Vocal chord cancer

Helen39 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
My husband has been diagnosed with vocal chord cancer - he doesnt know which treatment would be the best for him - surgery or radiation - he is in the very early stages. Does anyone have any info on either treatment?


  • OldNorske
    OldNorske Member Posts: 4
    My husband had his right vocal chord removed. It had an advanced tumor, so there was follow up of 27 radiation treatments. It has been nearly six months and as far as we know the treatments were successful. He is still using a trach tube and unable to swallow. We are hopeful that the tube will come out soon and he will begin swallow therapy after that. While he had radiation there were others who had earlier stage cancer who chose radiation only, but the decision has to be based on advice from your doctors and your own preference. Surgery makes it a tough road physically, but the tumor was removed and that was important to him.
  • thumper0001
    thumper0001 Member Posts: 7
    OldNorske said:

    My husband had his right vocal chord removed. It had an advanced tumor, so there was follow up of 27 radiation treatments. It has been nearly six months and as far as we know the treatments were successful. He is still using a trach tube and unable to swallow. We are hopeful that the tube will come out soon and he will begin swallow therapy after that. While he had radiation there were others who had earlier stage cancer who chose radiation only, but the decision has to be based on advice from your doctors and your own preference. Surgery makes it a tough road physically, but the tumor was removed and that was important to him.

    I had a tumor in the same place, did 35 radiation, 3 chemo, was trached until 9/06. Still have some problems swallowing but getting better, the hole for the trach closed completely about a month ago. Still have some problems with salivary glands but all in all a lot better than I was. Drop a note if have questions will do all I can to help. By the way last treatment was 06/23/06. Sorry was a little late on being able to resond to your initial post.
  • jeff_wherrett
    jeff_wherrett Member Posts: 7
    I chose radiation therapy for vocal cord cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) rather than surgery as I has 34 years old at the time. My cancer went into remission and my vocal cords were more healthy with proper voice training than they were in all my life prior to cancer. Good luck to all.
  • Clyde Benson
    Clyde Benson Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2016 #5

    I chose radiation therapy for vocal cord cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) rather than surgery as I has 34 years old at the time. My cancer went into remission and my vocal cords were more healthy with proper voice training than they were in all my life prior to cancer. Good luck to all.

    how much radiation did you

    how much radiation did you do? and how did you make sure was remission?

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    edited September 2016 #6

    how much radiation did you

    how much radiation did you do? and how did you make sure was remission?





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