Pancreatic Cancer, no quinio

luisbelo Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Rare and Other Cancers #1
My name is Luis Belo i am 46 years old and i live in Portugal. I can say that till now i am a surviver.

My case

Letter from my oncologist, in case that I would want a 2ªnd opinion on my case,

Dear Sir

Luis Belo, a 45 year-old patient, admitted in our hospital in January 28 because of jaundice and loss weight 15 days before.
The CT scan showed an enlargement of the pancreatic head without lymph node, extra pancreatic disease and without extension to the mesenteric vein, artery, or duodenum.
He was submitted to a surgical exploration that showed a tumour of the pancreatic head of 7-8 cm, enlarged lymph nodes in the superior mesenteric portal vein confluence.
The histopathologic analysis revealed pancreas tissues with pancreatitis and two lymph nodes with Aden carcinoma.
The tumour was considered a locallly advanced cancer and palliative laparotomy was performed.
The patient presents for second opinion at your institution to find out what is the best choice for him.

Thank you for paying attention

Lisboa , 06/04/ 05

Basically this is my case

I had aborted wipple surgery 17/03/05

After surgery I decide not to do quimio or radio therapy because I realised that in my case it really presented a low rate of success.

I had no doctor or alternative practiociner
I realised that cancer his a failer on the immunitarum system so I decide that my best chance was to try to do a full cleanses of my body and try to reinforce the immunitarium system in the way that my body could fight the cancer.

After this I started searching the net for the best system to fight my cancer.
I found “Max Gerson” “Bernard Gensen” and “Nicholas Gonzalez “ t therapy along with others system’s.

I decide that I didn’t have money to go very long distance to get therapy so I decided to create my one therapy based on what I was reading.

What I have done starting 15/4/2005

I went to a clinic to do a 15 days fasting detoxification program. ( colon detox).

I lost 5 kilos during the process but I cleaned 40 years of wrong eating.

After this I started taking pancreatic enzymes every single day in high quantities (2 g daily)

Here is the list of the supplement’s I am taking now.

Ginseng (Korean) 1g
Selenium 200 ug
Potassium 600 mg
Magnesium 500mg
Bromelain 500mg
Licopene 50mg
Betacarotene 7mg
Niacinamid 550mg
Zinc (citrate) 30 mg
Omega 3 1000mg
Acidophilus 4 capsules
B17-amigdalina 1g
Aloe vera----------------------------------------2 table spoon
Reishi+shiitake+maitake mushroom extract

Vit :
C 1g
B12 1000ug
B6 300ug
E 400ui

Pancreatic enzymes:
Fip units lipase 600.000
Fip units amylase 48.000
Fip unit’s proteases----------------------------36.000

Solgar formula v-2000 1 capsule

Omeoprazol (stomacal protector) 20 mg

CA 19/9 and CEA evolution during this process

CA 19/9 76

CA 19/9 241,7
CEA 1,2

CA 19/9 384
CEA 1.3

CA19.9 777
CEA 1,7

CA19/9 810
CEA 1.2
22/12/2005- new blood analyses and CAT scan

Ca 19/9 1043
Cea 1,7

CAT---no met´s and no changes from the previous one made in September
Oncologist asked for a revision on the material of the biopsy.
Confirmed adenocarcinoma

Start taking maytek ;shiitek; ganoderma and shark cartilage

26/1/2006 blood tests
Ca 19/9 1458.5
Cea 2.0

I am physically in a very good shape, eating very well not loosing weight and having a very good life

If you need any other information or anything else just contact me

Thank you


  • Kawood
    Kawood Member Posts: 4
    Luis, I am impressed with all you have done to build your immune system! I plan to print your list of supplements and vitamins for possible use. My husband, also 46, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on Dec. 1, 2006. His cancer is also at the head of the pancreas, but is neuroendocrine, very rare? He just had 3 chemo treatments and feels lousy. How did you determine all the supplements you need to take?