Medicare or The Cost of Cancer

musiclover Member Posts: 242
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
My friend who just spent Christmas in the hospital with an infection brought on by his 5 weeks of radiation had another unwanted Christmas gift in addition to missing the holiday - a bill for $18,000. Apparently his limited insurance only covers in-patient care. This was just for 4 days of hospital stay and a lot of antibiotics. That is devastating knowing that surgery is just around the corner - who knows what that will cost. He is going to try to negotiate the bill to hopefully bring it down or pay in installments. I am going with him to see his surgeon to wheel and deal a price for the surgery. He may be eligible for disability with his tiny income - he's a landlord renting two bungalos out of state which comes out to less than $900 a month. He does have more that $4000 in assets, a strike against him. He's 60 - not the 65 one needs to be to automatically qualify but I'm hoping he can get disability. Does anyone know if Medicare can put a lean on property to get back the monies they provide? I know Medicaid can do this - I'm just not sure how Medicare operates. It may be better to sell one of his houses rather than take the handout now. I'm searching for a community lawyer to help out but any feedback would be so appreciated.


  • rthornton
    rthornton Member Posts: 346 Member
    When I was first diagnosed, I had recently started a graduate program at a local univerisity and I was doing part time temp work for Coca-Cola. Through the temp agency I had a very limited insurance plan. It covered just a few things, but left me responsible for most of the bills. With a stage four diagnosis I was able to apply for and get disability, initially SSI payments plus Medicaid for insurance use. When one is approved for disability thourgh Social Security, they must sait 29 months for Medicare to become active. But Medicaid generally stops when SSI payments end and disability payments start. That leaves a LONG time without any coverage, although you can appeal and have MEdicaid extended.

    OK, so this left me with the bills remaining or rejected from my little private health insurance plan, plus some bills accrued after that plan maxed out and before Medicaid became active. That's around $10,000. Many of the doctor's offices and clinics, etc, reduced their rates when they understood my situation. I even got a PET scan free of charge! SO, yes, they debtors will work with you if you approach them just right.

    In any event, please don't think that you are alone in this quandry. I and others have been through it ... are indeed still going thought itl

    As I write this I am concluding a chemotherapy week, capped off with two AMbien tablets an hour ago. My poiunt now is that I am very sleepy and I might be omitting details. If you have any questions, please email me thru CSN and I'll provide more info.

    And good luck!

  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member
    I would ask to see a social worker at the hospital where he is getting treatment. Free care is offered to those who can't afford it. The social worker will help and knows the system.

    I hope your friend feels better. It takes a while for the effects of radiation to wear off before you feel better.

    Good luck

  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    Moesimo said:

    I would ask to see a social worker at the hospital where he is getting treatment. Free care is offered to those who can't afford it. The social worker will help and knows the system.

    I hope your friend feels better. It takes a while for the effects of radiation to wear off before you feel better.

    Good luck


    I am going to go off tha deep end for a mo please excuse me while I swear!
    Health care cost is a major burden for the unfortunate people all over the world....very sad.In Australia it is not perfect but palatable but I can never understand why life threatening illnesses attract such enormous expenses that create more stress and worry for patients, especially in wealthy countries that should be leading by example in low cost health care. As usual priorities are all but forgotten. I guess it is another good argument for preventative screening. Better to pay a little now than major $$$$'s once a disease has taken hold.
    I am so sorry your friend has to deal with this extra stress when it "is" possible in this day and age for every person on earth to enjoy good low cost health could be that way!
  • debcanmcg
    debcanmcg Member Posts: 32
    My husband diag in May 2004 with Stage IV rectal cancer had NO insurance. One hospital put him out on the street, say he was to expensive to treat and he only had 6 months anyway. Well, I took him to out State run hospital fought to get him on medicade and he is doing good. All medical bills are paid thru medicade up to a point and he gets 5 drugs a month for $3.00 each. This will be until he has been on medicade for 2 years then I don't know what will happen. But I will fight with who ever to get him treated. I think there is a cure for Cancer but we will never know it. Cancer is a Big Money Making Business. His Nepune (spelt wrong-shot for white cells is $4000.00 for 6/7 days. His Red cell shot is $1500.00 a week. Who can aford that!!!! Here his treatment runs$28,000.00 or so each. That is every 3 weeks, we do that instead of 2 weeks so that he will not run out of visits, they are limited by medicade. I could go on, I get mad when I look at the cost.