
kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hiya all. I was wonderin whether it might be prudent to see if we can get a list here of some of our new "semi-colons" The reason I ask this is mainly because in the past 2 months I have been pretty busy and not been abl to get here as often as I would some others here also. We have had many friends join us and sometimes details are missed. Sooooo....would it not be a good idea to ask those that have joined us the last 3 months to reiterate there circumstances here for us all to see and help us update.
Whatcha think guys n gals?

"kangathongs tryin tah use his!"


  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Scary when the "Thong Thunder from Down Under" (wait... that sounds rather like something one experiences the night before a scope...)

    take 2:

    Scary when Kanga uses his noggin and comes up with a brilliant idea. Clearly he's still under the influence!!

    Thanks, Ross! I'm like you and need to catch up! Hopefully folks have made a personal webpage and they can just direct us to that!

    Happy New Year everyone!

    - Sponge
  • wendy_21
    wendy_21 Member Posts: 30
    OK. I joined the group in October). 43 yr old female DX with Stage III colon cancer. Had one foot of sigmoid colon removed Octber 14. 2 out of 9 nodes positive. Am doing FOLFOX6 plus Avastin 9the Avastin is part of a clinical trial for Stage III). Have completed 2 rounds of chemo -- the third was postponed due to low white blood cell count and is now scheduled for Tuesday.
  • debcanmcg
    debcanmcg Member Posts: 32
    Hello, My husband was diag in May 2004 with stage IV Colon Cancer with Met to Liver,Lungs and Bones. He has an ostomy and has had 28/29 chemo treatments to date with the Avastin,5fu,le and others. Cea levels went down to 17 after the first few treatments and last week after the 28/29 the levels have gone back up to 248. Ct scans will be done on the 17th and then they will prob. chg. chemo. He feel Ok so he says just tires quickly and does not get to do the things he likes. But I hope this year things will get better. debcanmcg
  • Jen28
    Jen28 Member Posts: 45
    Hi, I'm Jen, and I joined in late 2005. I was diagnosed in October with Stage IIIA sigmoid colon cancer (3 nodes positive) after laparascopic colon resection surgery. I'm currently doing 12 treatments of FOLFOX chemotherapy (just finished my second treatment this weekend). I'm 28, am an attorney and for the time being am trying to work through treatment. I'm single, but my 27 yo sister is living with me, so I have good support through her. I'm not happy that I have to be here, but it helps to hear from other people who have gone through or are going through similar experiences and I'm glad that I've found this group.