
StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Majority of you know that today is Thanksgiving here in the US of A. Regardless of your location, take a minute to think about the things you appreciate in life.
Go ahead, I'll wait...............................................................................................

Ok, now here is my definition of Thanksgiving "before" and "after" diagnosis:

Before diagnosis: I was thankful when a moron driver in front of me finally got out of my "#^@&^$(" way.
After diagnosis: I was thankful I was healthy enough to drive a car!

Before diagnosis: I cringed when I would see certain relatives phone numbers on my caller ID.
After diagnosis: I welcomed anyone who was willing to take 2 minutes from their day just to say "hello."

Before diagnosis: I was thankful for the slew of friends I had.
After diagnosis: I was thankful for the ones who stuck by my side, and my new circle of "semi-colons."

Before diagnosis: I was thankful that the week was over, and the weekend was here for me to "enjoy."
After diagnosis: I was thankful for even Mondays!

Before diagnosis: My kids stood on the majority of my nerves, the majority of the time.
After diagnosis: My kids stand on every string of my heart.

Before diagnosis: I was thankful when the sun came up and the birds stopped chirping at 4 am.
After diagnosis: I was thankful when the sun came up and the birds CONTINUED chirping at 4 am.

Before diagnosis: I had no tolerance for people who took up my time for no real reason.
After diagnosis: I welcome everyone.

Before diagnosis: I existed...
After diagnosis: I live!

Yes, this disease is a tough fight, but when it's all said and done, the phrase is true, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

Have a great holiday season, a great weekend, a great weekday, a great couple of hours each day, etc...



  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member

    That was a great post and I am sure how many of us feel. I remember 2 years ago when I was on TPN because i was so sick from chemo. I couldn't enjoy Thanksgiving and cried many times that day. Today I am 50 pounds heavier and plan to eat alot. I appreciate every day now and also look forward to Mondays, because i am glad that i am able to go to work.

    Have a great day.

  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    Hi Stacy,
    What a perfect holiday for pausing and giving thanks. As always, great to hear from you.
    Enjoy your day, Judy
  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    Wonderful!! Have a happy and blessed and healthy Thanksgiving.


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  • Lisa Rose
    Lisa Rose Member Posts: 598 Member
    Greetings From Canada...

    Just wanted to wish you all a Very Happy Thanksgiving...
    Enjoy your special day with family & friends.

    With Love,
    Baby Lisa

    Who is Thankful for her CSN Family..
  • BusterBrown
    BusterBrown Member Posts: 221 Member
    You hit the nail right on the head...I own a business and before my dx I was wound up pretty tight. After my dx, I relaxed and realize that my family and health are what's important...Interestingly enough, this year my business is up by 20%, go figure:0)
    Buster "Ned" Brown
  • HowardJ
    HowardJ Member Posts: 474
    What an incredible post. Thank you for shaing.
  • fedester
    fedester Member Posts: 753 Member
    yes this dragon changes alot. wishing everyone a happy thanksgiving. it's been a while since i posted but i read site everyday. i pray for each and everyone of us.
    stay the course
    keep the faith
    and never give up

    all the best
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    And you wonder why someone would sit out front of a hotel waiting for the chance to hug you the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lisa P. who is honored to call you our Lance!!!!!!
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    fedester said:

    yes this dragon changes alot. wishing everyone a happy thanksgiving. it's been a while since i posted but i read site everyday. i pray for each and everyone of us.
    stay the course
    keep the faith
    and never give up

    all the best

    HI BRUCE!!!!!!!!

    Good to hear from you. Don't stay away so long next time.

    Lisa P.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    Hey Stace!

    Would you please email me that on my home addy so I can print it off??( you have my new one right? with I want that front and center on my frig for all to read. Give yourself a by-line too so that you'll get the credit when that gets famous, ok?

    It is beautiful and well said.

    And so right-on!!

    I am THANKFUL for all of you every day.

    peace, emily who feasted on organic everything today from turkey to cranberries to stuffing to pumpkin pie! :-)
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi Stacy,

    Your post needs to be published!!! It's awesome. Thanks for sharing with us and for taking the time to remind us to be thankful for the things we sometimes take for granted.
