Cancer is back.

Limey Member Posts: 446 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi all, I was on this website Back in 2004 shortly after having a sigmoid re-section but fell by the wayside as life began to get back to normal. Or so I thought. This past week I found out my cancer is back at the point of resection along with 2 more tumors in the fatty tissue surrounding.

I was given rotten odds by my Oncologist. 30% if on the left side only. 1-2% if it has traveled to the right side of the colon (I had a spot that showed up on my pet scan on the right side also). I am getting a 2nd opinion at Mayo clinic in MN and am also researching the options of diet and high doses of natural vitamins as adjunct to Chemo and radiation or diet alone. I will for sure be having surgery right after Turkey day but the rest is up in the air.

I don't know what is right. I am so torn with decisions I want to run away. That's because I am so scared of making the right decision.

Wondering if anyone has had to make the decision to choose diet over Chemo or with Chemo and any word at this point would help.



  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member
    I am sending hugs your way. I would definitely get a second opinion at a major cancer center. I would see an oncology surgeon and an oncologist for another opinion. You will be in my prayers.

    Good luck and keep us posted.

  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    Having the cancer come back is a rotten deal, I know. Get your second opinion, at least for your peace of mind. My first oncologist always talked about my odds, then I found one (at MD Anderson Cancer Center)who is only positive - it keeps me positive as well and I truly believe that helps with my treatment.

    Take care.

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Hi Limey,

    I completely understand about the fear and anxiety you feel. A year ago this week, I decided to stop doing chemo after 8 months of it (oxiliplatin, leucovorin, 5FU, and Avastin). I had a rectal mass, 2 mets to my liver (different lobes) and 1 met to me left lung. At first the chemo shrunk stuff but then it stopped. Surgery was still not an option and my onc said no end in sight for the chemo. Well, the chemo was really getting to me so I found a naturopathic doctor (she has a PHD in clinical nutrition) and followed her recommendations on diet (all organic and natural including juicing) vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements. I also made some of what I call lifestyle changes like getting as much stress out of life, getting the negative energy types of people out of my life, and teaching myself how to enjoy all the small great things that happen everyday.

    This past July I got my first ever NED (no evidence of disease) report and to be honest could not believe it. My oncologist was also pretty amazed since I never had any of the tumors cut out. We were pretty interested in the rectal mass in particular since it was almost a complete blockage that caused a colon perforation. We did a flex sig along with several biopsies and everything showed that the tumor was gone!!!!!!!!!

    Last week I had my quareterly scans and bloodwork done and my lung, liver and abdomen remain clean.

    So it can be done but it does take commitment and a little more money since insurance doesn't cover much of it. I highly recommend finding someone to help you with your plan, whether it be with or without chemo. Naturopathic doctors tailor the "treatment plan" to each individual and their respective health issues (chemo had left me with high blood pressure and I was on medication for it but not anymore and it is now under control).

    Good luck to you and let me know if I can help you in any way.

    Lisa P.

    PS. According to the numbers I got in March of last year, I am supposed to be near death right now. You can see by the recent photos from Vegas that I am far from that!!!!!!!!! Screw the numbers or use them to your advantage!!!!!!!! I enjoy proving the nah sayers WRONG!!!!!!!
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi Limey,

    How wonderful of you to explore all options for treatment this time around. I'm sorry that you are having to deal with this again. Keep researching so that you will be equipped with information and knowledge to help you in making the best decisions for your treatment.

    Keep us posted.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    hi limey,

    Mayo Clinic in Rochester is wonderful. That's where I go. First class facility and fabulous staff.

    I was dx'ed with Stage 3 lymph pos colon ca 4 years ago and have not had any return (successful resection) and did NOT do any chemo.

    Diet and juicing with supplements, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, massage, yoga, prayer, chiropractic is the course of healing I took.

    My onc at Mayo (and my surgeon) have been watching me very closely with much interest at this success so far. It CAN be done.

    I was given 30% of survival too if I did not do the chemo. But it's not like I did nothing. I didn't just walk out of the onc's office and ignore the fact that my body must have been waaaay out of whack to allow cancer to grow. Colon cancer is 80% dietary related.

    Cancer CANNOT live in an alkaline environment. If you juice GREENS you will quickly put your body into an alkaline state and the cancer cannot survive.


    Have you gotten Patrick Quillin's book BEATING CANCER WITH NUTRITION yet? It's a must for every cancer patient.

    Some other good ones:

    The Gerson Therapy-- Charlotte Gerson

    this is a wonderful overview of juicing with testimonies.

    The Makers Diet --- by Jordan Rubin

    he cured his "incurable" intestinal disease with diet and this book has a wealth of intestinal health info.

    A Cancer Battle Plan -- Anne Frahm

    she was sent home to die after western docs did every single "magic bullet" treatment available to cancer no avail. She discovered juicing and cured her cancer.

    The Cancer Prevention Diet -- Michio Kushi

    this is a macrobiotic diet that has had much success with curing cancer. (this is what I used along with my juicing).

    So think about the plethora of treatment options out there that have nothing to do with chemo or radiation. For me, it was better to not have done any chemo to begin with b/c then my immune system was not working in the deficit.

    I was just told of a woman in my old home town who was given a 4% chance of surviving WITH the strongest chemo available. She said no thank you and started juicing just greens (no food--just juice) and within 8 weeks her stage 4 "terminal" cancer was gone--it had spread to lymph, lungs and liver.

    She is now getting calls from all over the country from folks looking for answers.

    Y'all, these are NOT isolated cases. I mean, look at our own wonderful Scouty!! :-)

    So please do not despair even if your second opinion come back bleak, ok? there is SOOO much that YOU can do to heal your body.

    oh yeah, here's another good one:

    Spontaneous Healing -- Dr. Andrew Weil

    I hope this helps.

    peace, emily who loves the Mayo Clinic!
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Limey -

    1. Screw the odds - they meant something when playing roulette and craps in Vegas at CP-2, but they don't mean squat in cancer surviving!

    2. You are getting diet advice from two living legends... emphasis on "living". The girls know what they speak of!

    3. Keep a good attitude, my friend and know we're all behind you. Sending you much positive energy and prayers.

    - SpongeBob
  • JKendall
    JKendall Member Posts: 186
    Hey Limey. Man, what great advice you're getting. These guys are sooo good, and they know what they're talking about because they've been there. My two cents worth: absolutely do the second opinion, and a third if you're not comfortable with two. It can't hurt.

    It sucks that you have to go through the process again of making those choices. Just learn as much as you can, make the decision you feel is the best for you with the information you have available, and don't look back or second guess yourself.

    I have so much respect for you guys for what you have to deal with daily, the fortitude you display, and the compassion you share for each other.

    Take care. Jimmy
  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    I am so sorry to hear you have had a recurrence. I have had one myself, and know how disheartening that is. I think it is great you are seeking out a second opinion, and Mayo Clinic has an outstanding reputation. I am going the traditional (medical) treatment route myself -- but with some additional diet and lifestyle changes. I think it is important to find doctors who are positive and open. Wishing you all the best and please keep in touch.
  • Limey
    Limey Member Posts: 446 Member
    scouty said:

    Hi Limey,

    I completely understand about the fear and anxiety you feel. A year ago this week, I decided to stop doing chemo after 8 months of it (oxiliplatin, leucovorin, 5FU, and Avastin). I had a rectal mass, 2 mets to my liver (different lobes) and 1 met to me left lung. At first the chemo shrunk stuff but then it stopped. Surgery was still not an option and my onc said no end in sight for the chemo. Well, the chemo was really getting to me so I found a naturopathic doctor (she has a PHD in clinical nutrition) and followed her recommendations on diet (all organic and natural including juicing) vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements. I also made some of what I call lifestyle changes like getting as much stress out of life, getting the negative energy types of people out of my life, and teaching myself how to enjoy all the small great things that happen everyday.

    This past July I got my first ever NED (no evidence of disease) report and to be honest could not believe it. My oncologist was also pretty amazed since I never had any of the tumors cut out. We were pretty interested in the rectal mass in particular since it was almost a complete blockage that caused a colon perforation. We did a flex sig along with several biopsies and everything showed that the tumor was gone!!!!!!!!!

    Last week I had my quareterly scans and bloodwork done and my lung, liver and abdomen remain clean.

    So it can be done but it does take commitment and a little more money since insurance doesn't cover much of it. I highly recommend finding someone to help you with your plan, whether it be with or without chemo. Naturopathic doctors tailor the "treatment plan" to each individual and their respective health issues (chemo had left me with high blood pressure and I was on medication for it but not anymore and it is now under control).

    Good luck to you and let me know if I can help you in any way.

    Lisa P.

    PS. According to the numbers I got in March of last year, I am supposed to be near death right now. You can see by the recent photos from Vegas that I am far from that!!!!!!!!! Screw the numbers or use them to your advantage!!!!!!!! I enjoy proving the nah sayers WRONG!!!!!!!

    Lisa, Thank you so much for your reply. I Met with a surgeon at Mayo last Friday and will meet with the Oncologist Monday. They are quite sure the cancer has spread to both sides of my colon so it now a totally different disease. I have totally changed my diet in the last two weeks. NO SUGAR at all and shooting for the 80% veggies. Not there yet but getting there. I know i need to find help. I have been focusing on the book beating cancer through nutrition but it is confusing. I am so damn scared right now of making the wrong decision. It seems the medical doctors are so fast to poo poo the nutrition portion. My first onc told me that they would not want me on high supplements during chemo or radiation due to interference with the drugs. I don’t think i believe that. soo this journey begins. I don’t know what i will do but i know i will definitely do a major change in my nutrition. Thanks for the support. Any advise is always appreciated. my neighbors brought over food for us today as a gesture of good will. Brownies, Pumpkin bread, corn bread and soup. I have soooo much to learn in such a short time.