Flu Shot while on Chemo

markatger Member Posts: 314
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hullo all : )

I need to ask my oncologist about this .... but am interested in any semi-colon's two cents. My aunt (who herself is a cancer survivor) has encouraged me to get a flu vaccination because I might be more susceptible to the flu due to being on chemo and having liver surgery (met removal) this winter. She thinks FluMist is the best option (a nose spray vaccination instead of a shot).

I was reading on the web about FluMist. The CDC says that it is for healthy people only, not for those who might be immuno-compromised or taking meds that may make them immuno-compromised. I'm not sure where my white blood count is at right now.

Has anyone gotten encouraged or discouraged by their oncologist to get a flu vaccination while on chemo?

I am an otherwise healthy 34 yo female.

Thanks : )


  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    I am currently on chemo. I asked my oncologist this exact question. He said I should NOT get a flu shot/vaccination -- because it simply would not be effective. (I guess because I am 'immuno-supressed', but I didn't ask him the details). However, my husband and kids have both had a flu shot. This they felt was important/worthwhile, esp. since I am immuno-suppressed.
  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hi -

    I had chemo on Monday and the nurse offered me a flu shot. I was thrilled because I wanted one and my internist has yet to get a hold of any. Oncology nurse told me that they had such a limited supply that they were ONLY offering it to active chemo patients. I almost felt guilty because my counts have been fine. Now apparently hearing what Tara says, there may be other issues. Anyway, this is my tale!

  • houseofclay
    houseofclay Member Posts: 63
    My husband did receive the flu shot last fall while in the middle of 6 month of 5FU/leuc. If I remember, the flu virus in the mist is different than the virus in the shot, so that might explain the CDC guidelines. Our oncologist said that getting the flu while on chemo would potentially result in a hospital stay which was worse, in his mind, than any risks of the shot. I hope that helps.
  • chynabear
    chynabear Member Posts: 481 Member

    My husband did receive the flu shot last fall while in the middle of 6 month of 5FU/leuc. If I remember, the flu virus in the mist is different than the virus in the shot, so that might explain the CDC guidelines. Our oncologist said that getting the flu while on chemo would potentially result in a hospital stay which was worse, in his mind, than any risks of the shot. I hope that helps.

    I had the flu shot last year while on chemo. My Onc didn't really encourage or discourage it but approved. He didn't approve of the FluMist, although, I can't remember why. They also offered flu shots in the Onc office to certain patients. I had to recieve mine through the GP because they ran out.

    My family and I all qualified for "High Risk" shots both last year and this year do to my cancer status.
  • goldfinch
    goldfinch Member Posts: 735
    talk about a variety of opinions. I usually don't get the flu vaccine, but I have gotten it the last 3 years because my onc wanted me to get it. I think it's because the chemo causes you to be immuno compromised and that puts you more at risk to 1. get the flu if you are exposed and 2. have a more severe reaction to it when you do get it.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    hi maria,

    There is a really informative site about these Flu Vaccines:

    www.mercola.com then do a search on flu vaccine.

    The flu shot has mercury in it among other harmful substances. You may think twice about taking one.....escpecially since you have had chemo and are immune suppressed.

    We say no thank you to any flu shots regardless of chemo or not.

    The flu shots are rarely the virus that happens to be going around at the time. Does anyone remember the Swine Flu fiasco?

    Don't fall for the hype about this so called avian flu either. It has not been proven to have human carriers. But I am sure the vaccine companies want you good and scared.

    peace, emily who follows the money trail since it is so big and wide and hard to miss
  • markatger
    markatger Member Posts: 314
    Thanks much everyone for all the info. I will talk to my oncologist and see what he says and then make my decision. It looks like FluMist is not a good option for me though for sure.
