Blood In Urine

RezaDu Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
To go along with my prior posting, for over a month now my father has had blood in the urine. Some days it is every time he urinates, other days it is intermittently. Several days ago, it all together stopped but then it started again. The blood isn't diluted, rather, the initial stream is all blood. Either a couple of drops or one second or so of the initial stream. Thereafter, it is all urine.
After urine tests, a CAT scan of the abdomen and pelvis, nothing has shown up. New urologist is recommending a cystoscopy to check the urinary tract, prostate, and bladder. The urologist seems to think that the cancer has spread to the bladder. But to me it doesn't make sense. If it was the bladder then the entire urine would be diluted with blood, not the initial stream. To me it seems like the blood is coming from outside of the bladder, somewhere in between the bladder and prostate.....maybe in the urinary tract possibly.

Since my father is on coumadin for a history of phlabitis and pulmonary embolism, we believe the bleeding may have something to do with his intake of coumadin. However, even lowering it to 1.5 mg a day hasn't helped. For a while we thought it may have something to do with iron supplements he takes because he is so anemic. We stopped that but it did not prevent the bleeding. I read on a website that in rare cases, bleeding may occur with pain killers such as Oxycodone and Vicodine that he is taking. Anyways, to date we have not figured it out and we want to try other things before a cystoscopy. Any suggestions, ideas, references, etc. will be helpful.


  • bitaday
    bitaday Member Posts: 36 Member
    Dear Reza:
    Is PT & PTT of your father under control?May be coumadin is the reasone of hematuria.
  • mydaddy
    mydaddy Member Posts: 4
    Hi, my dad had all blood in his urine a month ago and finally ended up to be a kidney stone and cancer blocking his kidney...after 3 attempts they finally got it removed... he is now doing chemo for his prostate cancer that has spread into his lungs....
  • RezaDu
    RezaDu Member Posts: 6
    bitaday said:

    Dear Reza:
    Is PT & PTT of your father under control?May be coumadin is the reasone of hematuria.

    bitaday. thanks for the response. Yes, his PT & PTT is under control based on the last series of blood tests. Any other suggestions are welcome.
  • RezaDu
    RezaDu Member Posts: 6
    mydaddy said:

    Hi, my dad had all blood in his urine a month ago and finally ended up to be a kidney stone and cancer blocking his kidney...after 3 attempts they finally got it removed... he is now doing chemo for his prostate cancer that has spread into his lungs....

    thanks for the response and I wish your father the best. Do you know if a cystoscopy was performed to detect and remove the kidney stone? Also, you mentioned cancer blocking his kidney. Where was the cancer? How did they detect the new cancer?