Maitake Mushrooms/Juicing questions

Doreen65 Member Posts: 52
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Good morning everyone... I have some juicing questions and a question about maitake mushrooms. I've been juicing daily kinda making up my own recipe mostly organic carrots and some beets and handfuls of organic spinach leaves. Is there any recipe I should be following? I try and juice in the morning on a empty stomach and I drink 8 0z. .... How much should I be juicing? Do any of you juice and store the juice or juice fresh all the time? Sorry to bombard you with so many questions but everyday when I am juicing I think of these questions. Also I have a dear friend who also has colon cancer who just started taking Maitake mushrooms do any of you on here take them in capsule form? If so what kind. I am trying every possible antioxidant I can find. Have a great day off to juice now..... D ~


  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    Hi Doreen!

    Good questions!

    As for juicing--the amount depends on what protocol you are following. If you follow Max Gerson, the granddaddy of juicing, I believe his protocol calls for 12 / 8oz glasses per day with a vegan diet. Now it's been a long time since I researched him so I hope I am remembering this correctly.

    There is a good book, The Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook written by David Frahm who is a Naturopath whose wife cured her "incurable" cancer with juicing and diet. He may give you different pointers.

    As for recipe. I know scouty was put on a different juice regimen. Mine I just put together myself from researching.


    To this I add fermented soy protein powder and green powder. When I was first dx'ed I put flax seed into too, but now I take that seperately.

    Juicing fresh organic veggies is partly for the live enzymes. If you store it the live enzymes start dying off in half an hour so drink it immediately. I had my daughter juice me during the day and my hubby at night to take the burden off of me while I was healing. It can be a lot of work if you are juicing a lot. But it was worth every carrot!! :-)

    I also took maitake mushrooms in capsule form. I don't remember the name brand. I got it at my co-op. Dang. I wish I could remember. It was a blue label. Sorry.

    Anyway.....always feel free to ask away!

    peace, emily who still juices a quart a day!