Need to make a decision

LindaMik Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Kerri has just had a mastectomy. The tumor was ductal, about 1.5 centimeters. We opted for mastectomy instead of lumpectomy because Kerri had an aneurysm 8 years ago and had dementia, we all felt she would not lay still for the radiation. The doctors thought it would be too dangerous. They removed the tumor and 10 lymph nodes, there was a "little bit" they said in one lymph node. Her2 is not present and it is an estrogen receptor. We have been given the choice of the hormone pill for 5 years or chemo. We are very concerned about how sick she will get but she wants every chance that she can get so it does not come back. Any suggestions, experience etc. will be appreciated.


  • ktinkey
    ktinkey Member Posts: 170 Member
    Hi Linda,

    That is such a personal decision. Talk with the doctors and ask for the low down on survival of hormonal therapy vs chemo. I opted not to take chemo and I have to say, my cancer did return with a vengenance (StageIV) but I opted again not to do chemo and I am very healthy and coming up on my 7th year as Stage IV with the tumors gone. Praise the Lord. However, I will say I am the exception to the rule. Most women opt for the chemo and get through it with the help of family and friends. Let your heart be your guide and do whatever is the best for Kerri.

    God Bless,
  • tlmac
    tlmac Member Posts: 272 Member
    ktinkey said:

    Hi Linda,

    That is such a personal decision. Talk with the doctors and ask for the low down on survival of hormonal therapy vs chemo. I opted not to take chemo and I have to say, my cancer did return with a vengenance (StageIV) but I opted again not to do chemo and I am very healthy and coming up on my 7th year as Stage IV with the tumors gone. Praise the Lord. However, I will say I am the exception to the rule. Most women opt for the chemo and get through it with the help of family and friends. Let your heart be your guide and do whatever is the best for Kerri.

    God Bless,

    Kathy, One of my best friends is just 47 and battling stage IV. She moves from one chemo to another each time her current regimen stops working for her. Cancer is currently in her right arm, causing a break, throughout her abdomen and in her liver. If you don't mind sharing, where did your cancer spread and what treatment(s) have you had, or are having, to be so successful 7 years later?
  • LindaMik
    LindaMik Member Posts: 2
    Kathy, Praise God, you must be the exception. What did you choose if not chemo. The statistics they have given us are 75% chance of non recurrence with hormomone therapy and 80% non recurrence with chemo.