My mom

themis01 Member Posts: 167
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Well my mom will be having her cytoreduction surgery on Thursday at Washington Hospital Center with Dr. Surgarbaker. They hope to remove all visible cancer and then wash abdominal cavity in chemo for 3-5 days. They will also remove the 5 small tumors in her liver. One is in a problem area next to a vein so they may use radiofrequency ablation if it is too close to cut out. I hope everyone will think good thoughts for her. We will be on top of the world if they are able to remove all cancer and avoid any major complications.
As far as insurance, we are meeting with a lawyer tomorrow that will facilitate the 3rd level appeal. My parents had to spend their entire savings ($95,000)as a deposit to the hopsital for the surgery. While they feel lucky to have the money for this it is not at all how they expected to spend it and was so heartbreaking for my mom to see it all go for this. I fully intend to recover at least part of this money!!
Right now I am just worried about the surgery and hoping that she can beat the odds and get all of this cancer out.


  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member

    Not knowing your mother's predicament before I don't know if this has already been suggested. But is there any community involvement for fund-raising for your mom's expenses? Church? Anything or anyone to help defray the costs??

    (We ended up having to sell our Farm but that's another story).

    I hope someone will come up with something to help out. That is just unbelievable that they had to put down almost $100,000. There is something WRONG with that picture!!

    peace, emily who saved the insurance company thousands upon thousands by not doing any chemo and they couldn't even shell out for some vitamins for crying out loud! :-(
  • JKendall
    JKendall Member Posts: 186
    Sometimes, don't you just wish you could induce some sort of spontaneous combustion on these idiotic insurance companies?!?! Jeez!!! A third level appeal for a cancer operation?!?! They obviously have a severe case of cranial-anal-itis!!!! Uggghhhh!

    On the other hand...I hope all goes well for your mom, and that she recovers quickly and completely. Don't forget--take care of youself too! Jimmy
  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    Dear Erika,

    I will have your mom in my prayers. The insurance companies can be so exasperating. I am so sorry you have to go through that stress along with your Mom's surgery and treatment.

    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


  • Btrcup
    Btrcup Member Posts: 286
    Erika, my prayers and thoughts will be with your mom tomorrow. I will light a candle for her.
