Update on Scott

Btrcup Member Posts: 286
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi all, I've been reading the posts and thank everyone for your concern. I too am worried about Judy.

Scott is not doing well. He is vomiting about every 2 hours. His weight is down to 118lbs. I can't handle watching him lose his battle. Last night I just started crying and couldn't stop. I can't believe this is all happening. He is so sick and there's not a damn thing I could do about it.....THIS SUCKS!!!

His parents came down yesterday...still in denial. They want me to hire a private nurse to stay here. Scott does not want this, but they keep pressuring him and it's really pissing me off. They're pressuring him to do chemo, which is making him feel even worse, because they think he will "bounce back" from this. I understand how they feel, but they're not here watching him vomit and he's so depressed. I just don't know what to do anymore.

We are going to the doctors today. His appt was for Wed. but he's lost 10lbs in less than a week. I think it may be time for hospice but I don't know how to bring it up to him. I still haven't talked to the kids. I told them his morning that daddy isn't doing well and he may have to go back to the hospital. I need to sit with them tonight and explain to them that daddy will not be with us much longer.

My neighbor died last week. She had a stroke last year and hasn't been right since. Then they discovered lung cancer last month and she went downhill fast. I sat my kids down and told them Miss Mary died and it was an open door for me to explain about death. They understand that they will not see Miss Mary again, she is with God now. I'm not happy that she died, but I am glad I was able to expose my kids to death and hope they understand.

I'm going to take Scott to the docs now. I will try to keep everyone posted. You are all always in my thoughts and prayers.



  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member

    Please know how much we all love you and Scott. My heart breaks for you and your kids.

    If you want to talk on the phone--a real live person please please do not hesitate to ask for my phone number. I can call you right back since I am on a calling plan and it doesn't cost me any extra. Okay?

    Linda, my heart really is heavy for you. That really sucks about his parents and the pressure they are putting on Scott. I will add them to my prayer list as well to gain an understanding about the reality of the situation.

    love to you both.

    peace, emily
  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    Put me on your call list with Emily. I will be available for you anytime, day or night.

    You are loved and thought about and prayed for constantly. I'm so very sorry for you and for Scott and your precious babies. Life is indeed difficult and when we hear of one of our "semi-colons" having a hard time with the battle, it affects each one of us.

    You need your private time with no pressure with your husband right now. Only you and Scott can make the decisions on what is right for treatment.

    Hang in there Linda. Please email me, if you want to talk. I too have an unlimited calling plan that is no additional charge. We are all pulling for you guys.


  • alihamilton
    alihamilton Member Posts: 347 Member
    Linda, as you know we have all been thinking about you and I am so sad to hear that Scott is not doing well. What a tough time for you. It is obviously breaking your heart but you are a marvellous wife and support for Scott. If you can manage to look after him, then do not let others pressure you into making other plans. But also you must watch out for yourself. This must be really taking its toll on your health....mental and physical. Are you getting any sleep? Are you eating? It must be so hard to do everything you do for Scott and look after your children too. I am sure you will find the right time to tell them about the situation....whenever that is, it will be hard for you.

    His parents are having a difficult time coming to grips with the truth....there is nothing worse than a "child" dying before the parents.

    My heart goes out to you, Linda, and you are both in my prayers.

  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    Dear Linda,
    Know that you are thought so often; this has to be an icredibly hard time for you as well as Scott.
    I am glad that you are taking Scott back in today to see the doctor. Take care and I hope you have a strengthening day.
    Much love,
  • MJay
    MJay Member Posts: 132
    Linda~ I often think about you and Scott and wonder how you both are doing. I am so sad for both of you and your children.

    They say that God never gives you more than you can handle. It has been reported that even Mother Theresa said, "But sometimes I wish he wouldn't trust me so much."

    Know that you and your family are in my prayers.

  • jana11
    jana11 Member Posts: 705
    Linda, I am so very sorry for all you and Scott and your family are going through. Thank you for including us. You remain on my list of prayers. jana
  • JKendall
    JKendall Member Posts: 186
    Linda...I read, and reread your post, and I see how unselfish and caring you are. Scott's in very comforting hands with you there to be beside him. Look at the first line of your post: "I too am worried about Judy." God bless you.

    I've watched my wife go through the bouts with chemo and radiation, and, like you say so perfectly, "there's not a damn thing I could do about it. THIS SUCKS!!!" It's a feeling that is sometimes very difficult to express, especially on this electronic format. Maybe calling Emily or Kerry would help...God knows they've been there. Emily especially after having watched her sister go through this, then having to deal with it herself.

    Please take care of yourself. Let us know how things progress. I hope Scott's parents can quickly come to grips with this; this has got to be so very hard on all of you even without their denial.

    You be there for Scott and your kids, and don't forget we're all here for you, anytime. Jimmy
  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    Hi Linda,
    I'm so sorry to hear what you and Scott are having to go through; you and your entire family are in my thoughts. Judy
  • themis01
    themis01 Member Posts: 167
    I am so sorry that this is happening to all of you. I will be thinking of you often and looking for your updates.
  • crazylady
    crazylady Member Posts: 543 Member
    I'm so sorry that you, Scott and your children are going through this. Cancer sucks! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Remember to take care of yourself.
  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member

    My thoughts and prayers remain with you and Scott and your family.

  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    Moesimo said:


    My thoughts and prayers remain with you and Scott and your family.


    Linda and Scott. There are so many times we would like to reach out and hugg you both. With all our love and prayers we are with you Linda.
    Ross and Jen
  • taunya
    taunya Member Posts: 390 Member
    I am with everyone else herre. My heart is breaking for your family! This is such a terrible ordeal for all of you.
    Please know that I am thinking of you and Scott and the children and praying for you that some of this burden be eased.
    I wish I could give you a hug and make you a cup of tea.
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Oh Linda,

    This is hard for me since you and I have talked on the phone. I feel that I know you now. Please let me know if you ever need to talk again! In the meantime, please know that I am with you every day (whether you like it or not). I'm not like Sponger or Kanga, so don't worry about taking a shower. Just kidding of course, I was just trying to make you smile and remember how much we all love you here!!!!!! Please take care of yourself as much as you can and feel free to contact me if you need to.

    Serious hugs and kisses,

    Lisa P.
  • ramona41
    ramona41 Member Posts: 72
    saying an xtra prayer right now... that you have the strength to do what you have to do and go thru.. peace..ramona41
  • rejoyous
    rejoyous Member Posts: 259
    Dear Linda,

    Thank you for letting us know what is going on. You are being extraordinarily brave and I'm certain that your love and attentiveness are coming through loud and clear for Scott and your kids. I hope the docs are helping you with your decisions about what to do next.

    My heart goes out to you. Please keep in touch.

