


  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    tkd3g said:

    Short term goal 1. Lose 10 lbs of fat by July 19th.

    #2 - gain muscle strength

    Long Term goal- Get fit enough to take my black belt test in October of 2005.

    Lose 50 lbs. (yeah 50) by December 2005.

    Gain muscle.

    Fit back into my size 8 Gaps.

    PLAN:Gym ( weights 3 times a week. Split routine working the body for life pyramid)

    TKD 2 times a week (1 hour)

    Kickboxing 2 times a week ( 1 hour )

    Walk 6 times a week. Increasing time and distance each week.

    Weigh in each Monday starting tomorrow 6/20/05

    Wish me luck.


    Okay...my goals...to be worked on again as a regular part of my life....
    dates are sort of iffy - but after three months - I hope to pretty darn fit again.....

    #1 goal - to remember that my mind, body and spirit have been afftected by chemo....
    Patience, Persistence and Love will be my mission statement.

    Weights - 3Xper week
    Swimming - at least 1Xper week
    indoor cardio - at least 3Xper week - and mix it up
    walking 1 and 1/2 hour minimum 2Xperweek
    stretch often

    keep up with liver detox and supplements
    don't skip any meals
    continue to drink up to 1gallon of H20 per day

    I don't need to lose weight (please don't hate me)
    #2goal - remember goal #1.....and try to live each day well.
    #3 goal - swim like a dolphin in the hottest bikini around......yeah, it is time to enjoy myself again.

    Wish me luck too!
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    spongebob said:

    Uh... is it safe to enter here? I mean the string seems to be domintade by pissed-off, moody, para-menopausal women; definitely dangerous territory for a (man) to tread...

    Em, have you considered picking up a weight routine 3 days a week? I'm not suggesting an Ah-Nahld tooodal bodeee verrrk out, but relatively light weights to build some lean muscle mass. It sounds like you're doing a lot of aerobic exercise which is wonderful, but studies have shown the aerobic exercise only ups the metabolic rate and burns body fat for two or so hours after exertion whereas a weight routine that build lean muscle mass will raise your metabolic set point and can continue to burn body fat for up to 48 hours after exertion.

    Women don't typically get the bulky muscles we guys do, you tend to firm and tone.

    Just a thought...

    By the way, I don't think those ski pants make your butt look big at all...


    - SB


    I totally want to be buff and ripped!!

    So, I need some more info on this though. Are you talking free weights and machines or can I do this with my little 3 pounder hand weights? During my pilates routine we do 3 pound weights. I am working with a shoulder impingement at the moment so I am not supposed to lift over my head.

    I did a Women's Weight Training class over the late winter this year but it was only once/week and I didn't see much improvement. I know in the past when I went to the "Y" and worked on the Eagle System I saw huge results. Of course that was 14 years ago and I was turning 30 not 44!

    So please advise. This gets confusing cuz my massage therapist (who was a World Class Speed Skater and on the women's US Biking Team) has told me not to work on weights but to increase cardio workouts. ??????

    All I know is that I want my butt looking HOT in those ski pants! haha

    peace, emily who is in a personal war with cellulite
  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    crazylady said:

    Hi Ramona,
    Unfortunately, I've gained back all the weight that I lost when I was sick so you are not alone. I looked at the weight loss as the one good thing that came out of having cancer. I'm really frustrated! If anyone has any good ideas for taking the weight off, please share them.

    Hi Ramona,

    With the nature of chemo, I am wondering if there is a single answer. I think we will all have to think outside the box and mix ideas. It isn;t just calories and it won't be just hormones or weight training. But I think if we bring in a lot of ideas, it will shed better light.

  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    tkd3g said:

    Short term goal 1. Lose 10 lbs of fat by July 19th.

    #2 - gain muscle strength

    Long Term goal- Get fit enough to take my black belt test in October of 2005.

    Lose 50 lbs. (yeah 50) by December 2005.

    Gain muscle.

    Fit back into my size 8 Gaps.

    PLAN:Gym ( weights 3 times a week. Split routine working the body for life pyramid)

    TKD 2 times a week (1 hour)

    Kickboxing 2 times a week ( 1 hour )

    Walk 6 times a week. Increasing time and distance each week.

    Weigh in each Monday starting tomorrow 6/20/05

    Wish me luck.


    Barb! You ninja!!

    Just be careful not to set your goals at an unreasonable level! 10 lbs in a month is pretty robust!

    Em... you don't need to lift anything over your head. Squats, curls, and flys with 5-15 lb dumbbells should get you going. The three pounders would probably be OK for flys. I know that Men's Fitness has a really good personal workout site that you can subscribe to for a couple dollars a month. It has little demos of the exercises imbedded in it. I don't know of any women's sites - I never really had a need for them - but perhaps the Men's Health site might work for you. Try this URL: http://menshealth.genesant.com

    That should get you to the sign in for it. Let me know if that doesn't work.

    - SB
  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    spongebob said:

    Barb! You ninja!!

    Just be careful not to set your goals at an unreasonable level! 10 lbs in a month is pretty robust!

    Em... you don't need to lift anything over your head. Squats, curls, and flys with 5-15 lb dumbbells should get you going. The three pounders would probably be OK for flys. I know that Men's Fitness has a really good personal workout site that you can subscribe to for a couple dollars a month. It has little demos of the exercises imbedded in it. I don't know of any women's sites - I never really had a need for them - but perhaps the Men's Health site might work for you. Try this URL: http://menshealth.genesant.com

    That should get you to the sign in for it. Let me know if that doesn't work.

    - SB

    So right about not lifting the weights above one's head. especially if starting down by waist or thighs - it is hard on the shoulder and on the neck. Bringing something up level or just under the shoulder works well and puts less stresson other muscle groups.

    Shape magazine has good stuff too.....there may be a website - never noticed. But, hey, Em - Men's health m=might be more entertaining...
    Hey Mr. Squarepants, can you offer me any suggestions?? I know I could use a few....