Posting again-big problems puter

grandma047 Member Posts: 381
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi all, I tried posting this and it put it under the post for 5-21. So strange, so if you read it here, ignore the 5-21 post. Sorry for posting the same thing again.
Hey guys, I know there were problems with the site, but I also had trouble sending and receiving regular posts too. Thanks to Sue for keeping you updated. I've got some good news. Danny got another job instead of the first one he tried for. He starts Tuesday, if nothing else happens. I'm always afraid to even hope anymore.The first job would have stared out at 6.65 I think. This one he starts out at 9.00, which is a lot better. We need to build out account up. I guess we all need to do that? LOL. Also, I was able to do chemo this week. I have been in quite a bit of pain, even while wearing the pain patch and taking all the morphine. I just don't want to get this sick, this fast. Say a little prayer that I will start feeling better and feel like doing things again. I missed talking to you and glad the site and my computer are cooperating now.

Love and prayers, Judy(grandma047)


  • tkd3g
    tkd3g Member Posts: 767
    Hi Judy.

    Missed ya. Actually, the site was having problems for a while, so we were all off for a bit.

    Glad to hear hubby found a job. That's great!

    Sounds like you are doing better, also.

    Stay strong. Rest when you need to. Fight hard!!!

    Love ya,

  • themis01
    themis01 Member Posts: 167
    That's great that you could do chemo... keep fighting!
  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    Hi Judy, Good to hear from you and big congratulations to you both on Danny's job. Keep hanging tough;
    you are in my prayers, the other Judy
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    jsabol said:

    Hi Judy, Good to hear from you and big congratulations to you both on Danny's job. Keep hanging tough;
    you are in my prayers, the other Judy

    Hiya glad to hear that Danny has finally been successfull....hope that takes some load off. Now down to concentrating on the task at hand sweetie. Keep battling Judy. Jen and I know that you have the courage and strength to keep fighting. Love yah lots...always thinking of you, Ross n Jen
  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    Dear Judy,

    it sounds like things are finally progressing - in a positive direction. I am so happy for you. Best of luck and stay strong.

    Cheers and good wishes to you. Congrats to Danny!
  • bsrules
    bsrules Member Posts: 296

    Way to go!!!!! You finally got on the site!!! I received your email when I got home from work tonight and was glad to hear from you!!!!! I am so happy for Danny!!!!!! Now you have to make sure that he sets the alarm clock so he isn't late for his first day!!!! You are such an inspiration to me!!!! I have had some rough days and weeks this past month and I just think about what you have been through and I tell myself if Judy can keep up the fight then so can I!!!!! I went to the support group last night for the first time since my menal break down so to speak. It was ok. I didn't say anything I just sat there and listened. I am hanging on so you have to do the same!!!! Just take one day at a time!!!!!!

    Best Wishes and Prayers and LOTS of Rainbows coming your way!!!!!

    Your special friend!!!

    Love Always!!!

  • grandma047
    grandma047 Member Posts: 381
    bsrules said:


    Way to go!!!!! You finally got on the site!!! I received your email when I got home from work tonight and was glad to hear from you!!!!! I am so happy for Danny!!!!!! Now you have to make sure that he sets the alarm clock so he isn't late for his first day!!!! You are such an inspiration to me!!!! I have had some rough days and weeks this past month and I just think about what you have been through and I tell myself if Judy can keep up the fight then so can I!!!!! I went to the support group last night for the first time since my menal break down so to speak. It was ok. I didn't say anything I just sat there and listened. I am hanging on so you have to do the same!!!! Just take one day at a time!!!!!!

    Best Wishes and Prayers and LOTS of Rainbows coming your way!!!!!

    Your special friend!!!

    Love Always!!!


    Thanks Sue sweetie, You are the one that is an inspiration. Guess what everyone? My daughter and I are having a yard sale tomorrow. I'm hoping that I'll be able to do it. I've been feeling so crappy(excuse the pun) that I haven't been doing anything. So say a prayer for me.
    Love ya guys