Insurance Question

Networks Member Posts: 13
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Sometimes it seems like one bad thing leads to another. Next month I will be one year free of Rectal Cancer and I'm so glad to be NED. My lovely wife will probably lose her job next week due to Corporate Downsizing and jobs for people in Information Technology in these parts are typically unemployed for at least 15 months on average. I'm self employed and our insurance is with my wife's employer for now. When my wife does find employment again will we be able to obtain medical insurance again or will there be a rider or exemption for me? What if I find employment instead? It doesn't seem fair that we and employers have paid "into the system" for decades to be thrown out without any type of insurance due to my 1 year history with RC. Thanks for any advice on the subject!



  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    usually there is "bridge" coverage (COBRA) which covers the employee & their dependants for up to 18 months..check with her employer's HR dept.or Ins. Co. Also, you may want to consider posting to the Insurance forum on this site. Nanuk
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    06:17 PM EDT COBRA Insurance [reply]

    What is this insurance? How do you qualify? When my husband passes away his business insurance will be cancelled? I will lose my coverage. I need to go to the Dr's for my own heath trouble and I am afraid to as if something is wrong and I lose my coverage what will happen!! Can anyone help me with some info!!!! Thanks!! Sue

    P.S. I live in New Jersey!!

    12:26 PM EDT Re: COBRA Insurance [reply]

    COBRA is an insurance that is provided after the "main" insurance has stopped. From the time of "stop" until you can 45 days. You have to contact the insurance person (or Human Resources at your husband's job) to get the paperwork. Don't delay
  • deneenb
    deneenb Member Posts: 130 Member

    I am a Human resources manager for a company in New York. As an employer, we are obligated to offer the COBRA insurance to our separated employees and we have to do it in a timely fashion. If we don't we are subject to fines. The thing you want to be sure of is that you do not have a break of more than 63 days in coverage. If you do, that is when a new provider could hold a pre-existing condition against you (although it is only for a limited time.

    COBRA rates are very expensive. Do you have anything else available to you through social services ? We have programs in New York called Child Health Plus and Family Health Plus & Healthy NY. These plans are very affordable.

    Does your wife work for a small employer ? If they have fewer than 20 employees they are not required to offer COBRA.

    Best Wishes,
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  • Networks
    Networks Member Posts: 13
    Thanks everyone for the replies! This discussion board has been a huge help for us and I will look into the options that were mentioned. Thanks again for your thoughts and opinions, they are very much appreciated!!
  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    Hi there,
    COBRA is really great. I have used it with a layoff.......California's Silicon Valley is known for downsizing....BIG TIME!

    It is normally available for 18 months. You will be paying the premium - but I do not remember coverage changing at all. Do check it out....I think it will ease your mind.