Meet w/ my surgeon today...

BusterBrown Member Posts: 221 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
And we decided that I will officially become a member of the semi colon club on May 24th. I was dx w/ stage IV crc w/liver mets on Dec 17th, 04. Since then I have had 8 rounds of the folfox regimen and I'm happy to report that I am responding very well to these drugs. The liver mets can no longer be seen on CT or PETCT Scan, and several lymph nodes seem to be much improved, and the primary tumor has shrunk from 2.5 to under 2.0. My tumor is in the sigmoid colon and it's about 20cm up. If all goes well he'll do a resection and sew me back up...
Up until this point in my life I've never had surgery, never broke a bone, basically never been sick and now I have to undergo a fairly complicated surgery.I'm a little nervous...So any advice or experience you'd like to share, please do...