I'm afraid of another lump

csteinbrecher1 Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello everyone...
I'm hoping someone can help me... or reassure me. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Sept. of 2002. I had a lumpectomy and went through chemo and radiation. The cancer was estrogen positive and I took tamoxifen for two years. In March of this year I began taking Arimidex. Over the last three months I have had an itchy area on the same breast and a week ago I found a lump. It is quite painful to touch. I have an appointment with my doctor next Monday as I have just become a grandmother to a beautiful baby girl. I am out of town helping my daughter get through the birth of a new baby and settling into being a mother. I have not said anything to my daughter as I don't want her to worry right now about something I don't know anything about. Is there anyone else out there who has experienced these symptoms? Can you give me any ideas. I keep thinking that the cancer has come back but the logical side of me says this couldn't be possible. Any advice would be helpful.

Thank you so much.


  • sassysally
    sassysally Member Posts: 150
    Carol, take a deep breath. You found a lump.. you found it early. dont jump to conclusions till you have to. You are doing the right thing by going to the doctor. Right now that is all you can do. Worrying isnt going to change it. Enjoy that new granddaughter. Whatever it is, you will know soon enough. I hate to burst your bubble, but anything is possible, not probable, but possible. BREATHE... it will be ok. Take it one step at a time. Read my webpage if you get a chance. Hang in Carol.

  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398 Member
    Carol it isn't uncommon to find benign lumps and one must go one step at a time and not get ahead of themselves, easier said than done. I had three benign lumps on the uneffected breast within the first year so had that breast removed as well. It was horrible waiting for results all the time and then having the lump removed. Sometimes the mastectomy is good for the mind not always the result of having cancer. I am sorry that you have this to think of all on your own but understand how you want your daughter to enjoy her baby without any of your concerns. I know it isn't easy but try and remember what you have control over and what you do not. My thoughts are with you, be good to yourself.
  • CindyPR
    CindyPR Member Posts: 36
    Hey, same here, living in Puerto Rico, it has been hard. But if you have great doctors, as they are, they know what they are doing. Go forward, as it happens, as had both breasts done, three years ago, not that bad, but lump. Everything is good do not worry. Watch Starting Over, it has a great person Alison, who is going through this. My prayers and thoughts are with you, you can write me.
