
toni61 Member Posts: 14
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
my last mam showed calcification on my remaining right breast. Dr. said quite normal. However, I was talking to other women who have had bc and they said I should be having MRI not just mamograms. How dangerous is calcification and what are your views on this subject?


  • SweetSue
    SweetSue Member Posts: 217
    I am no doctor or nurse, but what I understand is calcifications are montitored from one mammogram to the next for any changes.
    My calcifications were cancerous, but many ,many are not.
    I would love everybody to get MRI's, but I don't think it will happen because of the cost.
    You may want to search the web for more information on calcifications.
    Take care,
  • Kathy1108
    Kathy1108 Member Posts: 62
    I had califications showed up in my mammogram and I had to have a needle biopsy. It was fine. My surgeon said that she thought is was from the scar from where the post was and she was right. But I decided to go for another mastectomy because I did not want to go through that scare everytime I had a mammogram done. And I did it as a precaution because I did not want to get cancer in the other one. But like Sue said califications are not always cancerous.
  • seeknpeace
    seeknpeace Member Posts: 259
    Hi there...this is a tough one because the majority of the time the calcifications are normal changes due to aging, but, for myself and several others on the board, ours was not harmless...ours waw cancer. The thing that concerns me about all calcifications is that when I was called back in a year ago and told that the calcifications were "normal, well rounded and spaced apart, unlike cancer which is jagged and close together" they were dead wrong. And, with the degree of necrosis, indicating a very aggressive cancer that was most likely to spread soon, it is scary. What do you do? I wish that I knew...I can just say that I insisted on a core needle biospy and it saved my life.

    Good luck and let us know what you decide...Jan
  • Future
    Future Member Posts: 133 Member
    Like everyone says, it's a tough decision. It has to be a decision you're comfortable with. My original cancer did not show up on mammo so they do MRI on my remaining breast. I have multiple calcifications and on last MRI the radiologist could not say I was 100% cancer free. I can not keep living with this "unknown" and there are so many calcifications that even if you biopsy a couple and they're negative, there's no guarantee about the other. When I talked to my medical oncologist and two different surgeons, none of them tried to talk me out of a simple mastectomy.

    I'm going to have a simple mastectomy and bilateral reconstruction on Tuesday. I'll admit I'm anxious but for me that is the best solution.

    Don't let someone else tell you what to do, do what's right for you.

    God Bless

  • Hi, My cancer only showed up with a biopsy that I insisted on having. I was refused an MRI. and it turns out my clacifications were marking cancer even though everyone (nurse, radioloigst, Dr.) said they were normal. So I insisted on another biopsy of calcifications on the other side before I went ahead with reconstruction. That one came back normal and the Dr's all got to feel justified that they were right. But I didn't have any trust in them or a mammo. after the first time. Sometimes, waiting 6 months is OK as long as they keep watching. Just follow your instincts. Don't be afraid to push for more follow-up. Best Wishes. Carla
  • Watercolor
    Watercolor Member Posts: 47 Member
    I have had experience with calcification clusters. I am no doctor, but this is what I understand: If MACROcalcification cluster shows on mammogram, it is of no concern. If it is a MICROcalcification cluster, be watched. If the radiologist lablels the MICROcalcification cluster as "suspicious", then you need to be concerned. Possibly they can be watched in semi-annual mammos for a while. (I had one watched every six months for five years. Then biopsied.) Or you can biopsy right away. Discuss it with your doctor. I've had four biopsies due to suspicious microcalcification clusters. The first two came back benign. Third was DCIS diagnosis. Fourth was a benign fibroadenoma. Mary D.