need your prayers please

amelia Member Posts: 56
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi all, I am a 1 1/2 year survivor of breast cancer and have come to this board in the past to offer advice and to seek it. Today I am seeking prayers for a young man, who is my cousins son. He is 8 years old and was just recently diagnosed with rhapdomyocarsenoma. (forgive my spelling if it's wrong!) He is at the Devous Children's hospital in Grand Rapids. The poor little guy has 48 weeks of Chemo to go through, followed by radiation treatments. The cancer is in his cheek and I am told surgery is not a good option due to the location. I had 4 treatments every two weeks followed by radiation and it was not easy. I remember thinking that if my having breast cancer would save just one child from having cancer, I would accept it without question. I just can't imagine what this guy will have to endure. Your childhood should not be spoiled with memories of chemotherapy!!! Thanks so much for any and all prayers. Donna S. P.S. For your information I have found a web page from a wine distributor. Cleavage Creek wines is donating a portion of all wine sales to the breast cancer research. I realize some might find this offensive, but I thought it was a neat idea.


  • jerlice
    jerlice Member Posts: 6
    There is nothing more heart-wrenching than a child having treatment for cancer - this little guy's cancer is not in a good place (but then, where is a good place.) My heart really goes out to him. Please know you have my sincere prayers and I'm sure those of others that have not yet replied.

  • Roxi1
    Roxi1 Member Posts: 39
    Dear Amelia,
    My prayers are with this poor little boy, your cousin, and you. Its such a shame anyone has to go through any of this.
  • bhunt
    bhunt Member Posts: 2
    My prayers and blessing's are with your cousin and family during this time. I am receiving both Chemo and radiation together. May God Bless him.
  • inkblot
    inkblot Member Posts: 698 Member
    My heart and thoughts go out to this child and your entire family. It's so sad and even though our little one's seem so less well-equipped to deal with cancer and so vulnerable, sometimes their youth can be an asset. I think we all have something to learn from seeing how well so many very young children handle cancer. It never ceases to amaze me! All we want to do is scoop them up and hold them, sheild them, protect them and make it all go away and that's so tough for us adults. Because we can't find a magical cure or a shortcut back to health for them, it's very heartbreaking and stressful. I can't begin to imagine how difficult it would be, as a Mother. Even when it isn't our own child, I don't think we ever stop wanting to make it go away for them because it seems just too cruel that any child should ever have this disease. With the love and support of his family, I have no doubt this little guy will have a powerful force in his corner!

    Am hoping that his treatments will allow him to be home, having as much normalcy as possible in his daily life so that when he's 20 and looks back on this time, his memories will also hold many, many good ones!

    Stay well and take good care of yourself.

    Love, light and laughter,
  • amelia
    amelia Member Posts: 56
    Thanks to all for your prayers. Little Parker has passed all his tests for possible cancer spread. He was having some blood in his urine, that had us all worried, but they have ruled out cancer spread and the Doc's do not think the kidney is a problem. He had his port in today and is back to playing games. He will go home hopefully on Mon. and have to return on Thursday for his 2nd treatment. For the next 47 weeks he will have to return to the hospital for treatment, but if he does as well with the next 47 as he did No. 1, he can do so as an out patient. They are teaching him to give himself a sub-Q shot which he has to do every other day. (haven't heard how that went), but being able to go home means the world to him and his family. He has a little sister, Mckenna, who is waiting for his return home. Again, thank you for your prayers. There really is power in prayer!!! D.S.
  • dakotarunner
    dakotarunner Member Posts: 102 Member
    I return to Mayo for my 12 month check up on Prostrate cancer surgery on 1/29/04. I so well remeber before I even knew I had cancer that I had always said, and prayed at Mass. the Lord would look at me and take me rather than some child. I am going to be 56 this summer and would glady trade myself for this young man. I have talked to my wife and family many times about this, and they know I am very serious about this. If it is meant to be, I hope that my checkup goes to pot and this young man, or anohter youngster comes out with the Lords blessing to be OK. We as adults have seen our family mature. Life is just a small part of our journey. Gods blessings to all. Dakota runner
  • inkblot
    inkblot Member Posts: 698 Member

    I return to Mayo for my 12 month check up on Prostrate cancer surgery on 1/29/04. I so well remeber before I even knew I had cancer that I had always said, and prayed at Mass. the Lord would look at me and take me rather than some child. I am going to be 56 this summer and would glady trade myself for this young man. I have talked to my wife and family many times about this, and they know I am very serious about this. If it is meant to be, I hope that my checkup goes to pot and this young man, or anohter youngster comes out with the Lords blessing to be OK. We as adults have seen our family mature. Life is just a small part of our journey. Gods blessings to all. Dakota runner

    Hi Dakota:

    Oh, please don't say that! I understand how you feel about children and cancer. I think we all do.

    Still, you must wish for your tests to be GREAT!
    We cannot "trade places" in this life, as much as we'd want to sometimes, in order to ease the pain or the burdens of others. The fact that you would if you could is enough. It reflects a very caring, loving spirit. So, no matter if your family has matured, I'm sure they still love, are grateful for and need you in their lives very much.

    So, here's to your continued good health and a life filled with all the love, light and laughter you can tolerate at any one time!

  • amelia
    amelia Member Posts: 56

    I return to Mayo for my 12 month check up on Prostrate cancer surgery on 1/29/04. I so well remeber before I even knew I had cancer that I had always said, and prayed at Mass. the Lord would look at me and take me rather than some child. I am going to be 56 this summer and would glady trade myself for this young man. I have talked to my wife and family many times about this, and they know I am very serious about this. If it is meant to be, I hope that my checkup goes to pot and this young man, or anohter youngster comes out with the Lords blessing to be OK. We as adults have seen our family mature. Life is just a small part of our journey. Gods blessings to all. Dakota runner

    dakotarunner, I am feeling the same as inkblot, please pray for his recovery, but not at the loss of your health!! I feel strongly that if God could let me know that my having breast cancer saved one child frrom cancer, I could accept my cancer without question. He has not done that yet. I have seen News stories that make childhood cancer seem an easy thing for a child to do, comparably. Cancer is most certainly a bad thing, but not the worst thing. Your family needs you, no matter how grown up they are. I know, I'm 49 and lost my father to cancer at the age of 33 and lost my Mother to cancer 3 years later. A day doesn't go by that I wish they were still here.Dakota, I will pray for a GOOD test result for you as well as a remission for my young cousin. We all deserve to be healthy!!! D.S.