
stepet Member Posts: 69
Hi Guys, I just got the results of my latest Pet-Scan. It showed "uptake" in two areas where I never had "uptake" before. My right under arm and my left pelvic side. I am scared to death! They are doing a Ct-Scan next Friday to better take a look and see what is going on. I only had radiation for Hodgkins, and I am so afraid I am going to need the Chemo next. Has anyone had this happen and have it be nothing, or should I just assume it is back and prepare myself? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Sandi


  • lozza
    lozza Member Posts: 15
    Hi Sandi,
    This hasn't happened to me - I haven't had any scans yet, but I wanted to tell you a story my doc told me when we discussed the pros and cons of pet scans.A patient of his was referred by another doc for a pet. It came back showing activity. This scared the patient just as it did you. They then did another test that involved quite an invasive procedure. The first didn't work ( i think it was like a biopsy with radiation, but the first time they couldn't get to the right part of the body). The second time they got their reading, guess what? Negative. Although PETs are very useful their use is still in its infancy and other scans/ tests will be needed. I was going to say try not to worry, then realised how stupid that is, but I hope all goes well. There's every chance that it will.