Post Op Recovery

rwp Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
I'm 50 yo, 5 weeks after surgery.
My concern is bowel control.
Mine is limited to two hours.
Lately (the past week) I have been pissing a lot of blood and tissue. My doctor is saying normal and not to worry. Today I passed a hunk the size of quarter and I am still pissing a lot of blood. Any one with similar? Would you consider it normal?
Thanks, Ron


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  • Mark58
    Mark58 Member Posts: 41 Member
    I had my surgery 3/26/04. I'm 59 now. I didn't see any blood except for right after my catheter was removed. It only lasted maybe half a day. I never had any bowel problems at all. No I would not have considered that normal. Has your doctor tried to explain to you what is going on or where the blood is coming from? God bless and good luck. Keep in touch.
  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member
    I had RP on Feb 3rd 2005. I had some blood and a few clots before and after the catheter was removed. THe Dr explained it as the healing process where they sewed the bladder and urethra together after the prostate was removed. It lasted a few days but was not strong. It looked like weak lemonade but the clots were sizable(only 2). As for bowel movements, yes they were and still are more frequent than before the procedure. There is no blood in the stool but it is somewhat annoying. The Dr said this would be normal for a while as the parts heal. Your body has gone through major surgery and will take time to heal and get back to normal. As for your situation, I think that if it continues for another week I would be calling the Dr to have a check up as I would not consider it normal to continue.
    Make it a wonderful day and Gods blessings.
  • soldier42
    soldier42 Member Posts: 1

    I had RP on Feb 3rd 2005. I had some blood and a few clots before and after the catheter was removed. THe Dr explained it as the healing process where they sewed the bladder and urethra together after the prostate was removed. It lasted a few days but was not strong. It looked like weak lemonade but the clots were sizable(only 2). As for bowel movements, yes they were and still are more frequent than before the procedure. There is no blood in the stool but it is somewhat annoying. The Dr said this would be normal for a while as the parts heal. Your body has gone through major surgery and will take time to heal and get back to normal. As for your situation, I think that if it continues for another week I would be calling the Dr to have a check up as I would not consider it normal to continue.
    Make it a wonderful day and Gods blessings.

    Dear sir, I had a radical prostatectomy on March 1 2005 and i've had urinary incontinence since then. A lot!! It never seems to stop! I allready went through a bag of 52 pads and i'm startin another bag. I had the da vince procedure done. Do u have any idea when this will quit?? Thanks, Randy p.s. I am only 48.
  • blkdog
    blkdog Member Posts: 10
    soldier42 said:

    Dear sir, I had a radical prostatectomy on March 1 2005 and i've had urinary incontinence since then. A lot!! It never seems to stop! I allready went through a bag of 52 pads and i'm startin another bag. I had the da vince procedure done. Do u have any idea when this will quit?? Thanks, Randy p.s. I am only 48.

    Hi Randy, I had a RP in July 04 .I was using a pile of them for the 1st 3 months. my pad use is down to 4 per day. I take Ditropan twice daily, That seems to have helped. However if I sneeze, cough etc I leak. I did have a set back a few weeks ago with a urinary infection, Pad use went way up, antibiotics have put things back in check. Try to keep your spirits up, things do get better! Albeit , slowly. I was 50 at surgery


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