Hello My Friends & Sisters

sevey Member Posts: 184
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello All,
It has been a very long time since I have been in here. I have also lost so many contacts because like me my computer was very ill again. I have been in remission for a whil untill recently but this time it is not a recurrance of all the previous cancers. In 83 I lost a almost full term baby & this was in Sacrmeto Hosp in Ca. It was cancer of the uterous that killed her but I did not find out untill 87 when I moved to Va to be with my Mother because the marriege was a disaster .... However when I lost my dughter she weighed 8 lbs & 3 oz. She was the last child I ever had. The same Dr that told me I was being hysterical suggested I go home & drink a bottle of wine>A BOTLLE!) aNYWAY BY THE TIME i GOT VERY SICK & THEY DECIDED TO GIVE ME ANOTHER C-SECTION. I have a son who is 25 now & I do thank God for him all the time for he is a Blessing. Now to get to the point. In Sacramento when I had to have a emergancy c-section the same incompitant Dr did not sew me up properly & I lost a ton of blood internally & almost died. It was then that I had to be recut & sewn back proper. I have a rare blodd which cannot be replaced with universal blood. So I was given blood by doners. I found out many years later that I had contracted hapititus A & B. My body created a antibody for the B> but since they did not discover hep c untill the 90s/ I was asked if I had HIV or how long did I know I had it or was I aware that I did. I did not have it Thank God !!! However as far as hepititus goes it goes all the way to I now as different forms are discovered a lot of the time these days. With a dwindling immune system the B I had an antibody to has emerged & both the C & B has caused me to have the early stages of liver cancer. It is stage 1 & at first I refused to belive it as I was in shock for a few weeks. My apt is being renovated into as condo so all the tenants had to move. Needless to say I am at my sisters untill a new opens up for me through Hud called Indepedent Living. It is a very nice place & the perfect place for me as well. The Miricle behind all this is the fact that for 22yrs I have carried active hhep c without developing a cirrotic liver. Another one is I am still alive after all these other cancers. My liver count has consistantly stayed very good & I turned down 2 liver transplants because the people that were matches were way younger them me & my heart could not live with that ( 1 was 17 & the other was 12 yrs old) The second time the circumstances were almost the same as the lats time so I declined again. They can take a healthy liver & cut it in half for 2 people. How could I have lived with myself? Especially when asking myself the age old question, 'What would Jesus do?.... So all is not lost & I am not going to feel sorry for myself. I pray for many because when I look around I can plainly see those in far worse shape then me. I do not fear death but know it is not my time to go because the Lord has a purpose for me & my only wish is He would reveal it to me so I can glorify His Name. I am not a Saint but do know that all the Glory of Many of us still alive is to give all the Glory to God. If I get the chance I would die for him or do whatever his Will may be. I am far from a saint & also am far from dying. Anyway if I missed a lot of letters or spelled wrong I am sorry. In addition I want to say HELLO & GOD BLESS EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.
In His Name
Love cathy


  • Ellison
    Ellison Member Posts: 68
    Hi Cathy,

    Let me first say I am sorry about your baby girl. I agree with you 100%. I praise and glorifiy God every day for what he has given me, for what he has taken away and for what I have left. I too am not perfect. I know today that God does not make us perfect although he could if he wanted to. He wants us to be completely dependent upon him, Amen

    I can't imagine going thru all the things we do and not have a that spiritual connection with our Lord and Saviour.

    Thank you for posting your experience, strength and hope. L. Ellison
  • ktinkey
    ktinkey Member Posts: 170 Member
    Hi Cathy,

    Long time no see! I hope you get this message since I am a few days behind in seeing your message. Glad to hear from you and hope to hear more from you. I am well and have a lot to be thankful for. God is richly blessing me. Please let me know your email, etc.

    God Bless,