bye! and ? for emily

goldfinch Member Posts: 735
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi all!
I'm off on my trip to St John's (virgin islands, thank goodness-not Canada:-) tomorrow. Will be holding you all in thoughts and prayers. Looks like i'll be coming back without my hair. One and a half years of fighting this. Wasn't expecting this, though i guess i should have after reading the side effects of Camptosar. Anyway i bought myself some extra hats to wear while i'm down there.
Emily-You have convinced me to get into juicing big time when i return. I actually like vegie juices. i have a juicer and have dabbled with it for years-It's just such a pain in the butt (appropiate for me right now, what with the anal fissure i'm still fighting:-) to clean up after. My question have mentioned a protein powder (i think) that you you include with your juicing. What is the name of that powder?
Thank you!
I'll be checking on you all when i return-2 weeks.


  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member
    Have a great time on your trip. You deserve it. Make sure to bring lots of sunscreen and take lots of pictures.

  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Hey Mah-ree -

    You have a good time now, mon.

    - Bob
  • rejoyous
    rejoyous Member Posts: 259
    Hi Mary,

    I'm coming with you on a vicarious trip to St. John's. Sounds delicious. Hope you find some comfortable positions to give the pain in your butt a rest and that you let the sun and warmth heal you from the inside out.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member

    Hey Mary,

    you have a fabulous time ok? You could always go like Melissa Etheridge (sp?) and go boldly bald!

    I dabbled in different protein powders and I am not sure which I would recommend. I did soy protein and rice protein. They are both controversial in whether they are best to use. I am using one now called Detoxitech. It has a ton of fiber in it too.

    But what you may be thinking that I am ALWAYS recommending is a GREEN powder FULL of awesome nutrients. It is called Perfect Food by Garden of Life. It was developed by Jordan Rubin who suffered from an "incurable" intestinal disease for years before changing his diet and using this kind of powder full of greens and stuff. He also wrote a fantastic book called The Makers Diet which is my 3 1/2 years of researching colon health I have found to be the best so far. He explains it in a way that I understand and can assimilate. It's not so technical or out there. I highly recommend it too even if you do not intend to follow the diet, the book is a wealth of knowledge.

    you can get Perfect Food at coops and health food stores or order it online I think. I get it from a friend who is a dealer.

    Yes, I promote Champion Juicers because of the ease of cleaning AND because I get more juice from the produce than I did with my JuiceMan Juicer (that I bought directly from the JuiceMan and not at Target--that one is very much inferior and no one should waste their money on it--go for the best!).

    There is a technical reason why the big kahunas of juicing promote a Champion type juicer and it has to do with the spin and the way it masticates and extracts the juice. I do not remember it but I just know that the Champion is one of the ones that does the extracting better.

    And like you said cleaning juicers can be a pain in the butt and that was a huge reason why I switched to Champion. It is easy.

    So think GREEN. There are others out there that I have used such as Green Magma and Kyo Green but Perfect Food has SOOOO much good stuff in it. It is so green! I feel really good on it too.

    Hope you have a super time!!

    peace, emily who dreams of all us juicing to health some day.......and no more cancer!!