Keep on keeping on

Idalia Member Posts: 76
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Sorry I haven't been around for a few weeks. I got a job! It just sort of fell into my lap, but I am really enjoying it. I am busy managing a small office and learning stuff everyday. I never thought when I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer with bone and lung mets, that I would ever have a fairly normal life again. For me, that is a real miracle. Tomorrow is my areda day, and I will get the results of my latest bone scan. My last ct scan and chest x-ray showed the femara is working, slowly. Hope is sometimes hard to find, but never give up!


  • pegann
    pegann Member Posts: 7
    Good for y if working is what makes you feel alive go for it! I am a seven year survivor and worked all the way through the slash poison and burn treatments. that would be surgery, chemo, and radiation. I was stage III breast cancer and I am a nurse on a cardiac step-down unit. I had some rough times especially when those white counts dropped and the I had to take neupogen shots. I fought with my ongologist but he would not let me work until the counts came back up. They always came back and then the next round of chemo they went back down. i had not been at that place of employment long enough to take a FMLA so I got too many occurances and got suspended for three day without pay. However, I kept on keeping on and I am still there eight years later.
    God has a plan and you do what is in your heart. prayers will always be with you and I applaud your tenacity and bravery! There are many of us out here and someday there will be a cure that will not be so hard. We are still pioneers; paving the way for those to come. Stay strong and always know that we will be victorious no matter what the outcome is. Jesus already conquered death for us.
  • SusanAnne
    SusanAnne Member Posts: 245
    Idalia, Congratulations on your job! You are a role model for all of us. I love how you say that the job "fell into my lap". Just goes to show that there are no coincidences in life. Sometimes what we need is presented to us on a silver platter! Enjoy and let us know your test results!

    Take care,