Hello!! To All!!! I am usually in the liver group, BUT!

offutt9 Member Posts: 88 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
My 28 year old son was told he may have colon cancer. He doesn't have insurance, so they won't do a colonscopy on him, but the doctor is working with him to run other tests. I only know of the blood in bowels test. He is married and has 3 beautiful young children. I am praying for a good report. I found this group while searching for info. You guys are great support for everyone. Keep up the good work. I will be praying for you all. In Gods Love-- Barbara From Kentucky


  • steved
    steved Member Posts: 834 Member
    A hard time for both you and your son. I was 31 when diagnosed and feel there are issues that us yonger survivors have that others don't have to deal with eg fertility issues, young kids etc. At the same time being younger helps in that you generally are healthy otherwise and may tolerate treatments better. EIther way don't do anything till you know more aboutt he diagnosis- there are many other more benign things that can cause symtoms that look like cancer so await the test results and keep you hope alive that there may be other explanations. In the meantime feel free to ask questions and use this site as much as needed - that initial stage around diagnosis is on eof the hardest and you may need a shoulder occasionally. There is always one available here.
    Best of luck and let us know how things progress,
  • JKendall
    JKendall Member Posts: 186
    Hi Barbara, I hope all goes well for you and your son and you get the report you're praying for. As a parent, it's hard enough to hear that you or your spouse has cancer, but when it's your child....you'd probably trade places with them in a heartbeat if you could!

    There's a lot of good help here from very compassionate people. Don't be shy about asking questions or just coming here to vent.

    Let us know how things go, and stay positive.

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  • MJay
    MJay Member Posts: 132
    unknown said:

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    That is great advice!!! Definitely worth investigating.

    Welcome to our site!! Sorry you are here, but glad you found us.


  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    Hi Barbara,

    I hope the fact that he doesn't have insurance won't deter him from getting the proper care.

    I had a c-section without any insurance and I just set up a payment plan with the hospital and all the doctors involved. Took me 3 years to pay off baby #1 but obviously well worth it.

    Finding out if one has colon cancer is also money well spent. He is definitely not too young to get this (my sister was 29 and had been sick for years and when they found it, it was too late).

    Anyway, I am curious about what tests they can give him to determine colon cancer without a colonoscopy. If you rely on CEA-DON'T. I did NOT have an elevated CEA count. My tumor did not give off markers. Neither did my sisters apparently or they would have found it years earlier, eh?

    So please don't allow insurance/no insurance to determine level of care. One's life has no dollar amount.

    peace, emily
  • RebeccaJane
    RebeccaJane Member Posts: 19
    So sad to hear your news.....my husband was diagnosed at 28 years old with colon cancer (30 Mar 04). He had a large part of his colon removed and then chemotherapy for six months. We have one 4 year old daughter. It was a very difficult time but we have been very lucky and everything appears to be ok. There may be another explanation for your sons symptoms so try to keep positive until he is diagnosed. He is blessed to have a supportive mother and family and this will mean so much to him in the next few weeks. Take care.
  • andreae
    andreae Member Posts: 236
    Hi Barbara,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your son. Let's hope there's an alternative explanation. Although I do not know the intricacies of American healthcare, I would push for a colonoscopy. A biopsy is the only way to confirm a malignancy (to my knowledge). Do whatever you have to do to get the test. Please keep us posted. If it is cancer, we have survivors and caregivers of all stages and ages.

    I'm thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.

    Warm fuzzies,