
andreae Member Posts: 236
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Well, I am so very excited I'm about to just burst! It's been a couple of so-so days. I had chemo yesterday and was so tired I came home and slept. Today I thought I'd be raring to go because Gemcitabine is supposed to be an "easy" drug but I was nauseous and vomiting. Took some Zofran and started to feel a bit better... SO, I CHECK MY EMAIL AND THERE IS AN INVITATION FROM A PROFESSOR FOR AN INTERVIEW! Yep, that's right. I may be buttless, hairless and forever nauseous BUT I managed to nail an interview for graduate school! Yea! I just cannot believe it! Two years ago this month I found out that I had cancer... Never could I have imagined that I would be able to graduate and continue my studies. And so all my Stage IV friends, it is not over till the fat lady sings and we can and should continue to pursue all our dreams. Whether we have two days or two decades to live, never stop building to the future and moving towards the "light". Have faith. Stay hopeful. Keep fighting. And dreams CAN come true, cancer or no cancer.

Love to you all,
Andrea, who is beaming from ear to ear, calling up all her friends at midnight and ran into a wall in her excitement!


  • rejoyous
    rejoyous Member Posts: 259

    I am so proud of your strong spirit and absolutely THRILLED to hear your good news. If you bring the same zest and wisdom to grad school that you bring to cancer, I have no doubt you'll do beautifully. I'm a college professor and I would feel grateful to have you in my midst.

    You're so well-informed about everything, you probably know that everyone advises that it's important to keep ahead of the nausea. Glad that the Zofran helped you get hold of your symptoms. During my last couple of chemo sessions I've been supplementing Zofran with
    Compazine. As I wrote Judy, my insurance pays for the Zofran, but I'm still freaked out by how expensive it is. So I take Zofran while I'm actually on chemo, but before I go on the IV I've been getting really nauseous just THINKING about getting chemo, and that's when I take two tablets of Compazine. It really helps. I also take it for a little while after I get unhooked.

    Andrea, I've been so grateful for your spirited messages on this site. Thanks for sharing your news.
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Running into walls? Yup, you're qualified for grad school.

    Forever nauseus? Yup, you're qualified to sail with me in my ship.

    Buttless and hairless... well, if you were spineless you'd be qualified to be an officer!

    Congrats, Andrea!

    Fairytales... can come true... it can happen to you... if you run into walls... (my favorite version of that old standard)

    Cheers from Colon-Palooza I, where we're doing more to kill brain cells rather than stimulate them.

    - SB
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    spongebob said:

    Running into walls? Yup, you're qualified for grad school.

    Forever nauseus? Yup, you're qualified to sail with me in my ship.

    Buttless and hairless... well, if you were spineless you'd be qualified to be an officer!

    Congrats, Andrea!

    Fairytales... can come true... it can happen to you... if you run into walls... (my favorite version of that old standard)

    Cheers from Colon-Palooza I, where we're doing more to kill brain cells rather than stimulate them.

    - SB

    Wow Andrea--so happy for yu sweetie!!!See...all those questions yu asked us about going on...and our positive answers have paid off!!!!You deserve it babe!!!
    "hows your nose????......lol!"
    luv n big huggs, kanga n Jen
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Dear Andrea,

    Congratulations! Your spirit, courage, and determination continues to inspire all of us.
    Wishing only the best of health and happines for you.

  • bsrules
    bsrules Member Posts: 296

    CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so happy for you!!! You are such a trooper!!! I am keeping my fingers crossed for your interview!!! You are so right about living life to the fullest and fighting for your dreams!!!!! Yes dreams do come true!!!

    I am hanging in there! I hate the evenings and weekends. I try to stay busy but the weather we are having here in Jersey stinks!!!!I just try to get through one day at a time!!!

    Keep up the good work!!!!! I am celebrating with you as we speak!!!!


  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    Andrea: I found this in a herbal company's article"
    "Fan in yourself the ferocious feeling of YES to the life-force, to preservation and to becoming greater than you were yesterday. This triggers the body's release of hormones and enzymes that literally instruct the body to become whole and stay well! Understand that each of us can do ANYTHING and that miraculous change is the result of a mind and a feeling that will accept nothing less."
    Sounds like they were talking about you-congratulations.. Bud
  • livin
    livin Member Posts: 318 Member
    Congrats, I am so very happy for you Andreae you deserve it, Keep hope alive you go girl. Livin.
  • griff
    griff Member Posts: 33
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! No one deserves it more than you for wanting it so bad. WAY TO GO!!!!!
    I hope the interview and all goes well. Keep up your great spirit. You are in my prayers!!!

  • MJay
    MJay Member Posts: 132
    spongebob said:

    Running into walls? Yup, you're qualified for grad school.

    Forever nauseus? Yup, you're qualified to sail with me in my ship.

    Buttless and hairless... well, if you were spineless you'd be qualified to be an officer!

    Congrats, Andrea!

    Fairytales... can come true... it can happen to you... if you run into walls... (my favorite version of that old standard)

    Cheers from Colon-Palooza I, where we're doing more to kill brain cells rather than stimulate them.

    - SB

    Careful SB~ my hubby is an officer and is no where near spineless. But I have met my fair share of wienie ones so I will let your comment pass.

    GREAT JOB Andrea!! If you don't have dreams you don't have anything!! Way to go!!

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member

    That so ROCKS!!

    We are all rooting for ya! Make sure you tell us how it goes ok?

    peace, emily who will send good vibes your way for the interview!
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    I guess I will have to take my winnings from Colin Palooza I and buy that purple outfit!!!

    YGG.....YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

    Lisa P.