
lynna Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had a TRAM flap done 2 months after my mastectomy, while still in the hospital the vesssels were swollen and didn't work so they removed it. A month later we were to try again with the hip tissue and vessel from the leg, when I woke up I had a implant. So he said the vessels in the breast didn't look good yet to connect so we waited. The implant gave me lots of problems, pain, it was real high on my chest and irritated my armpit. Finally I told the doctor that I didn't want it anymore and wanted to try again. He was to do a flap from my back which seemed to go well, but then he told me he put the implant back in too. I'm a mess, so upset I didn't want this implant back. We discussed using other tissue from another area but he said there was penalty on my back. Anyone have problems with the surgeon like this? What do I do now? Lynna


  • bunnie
    bunnie Member Posts: 233
    sorry ro hear about your problems bunnie
  • littlelindalu
    littlelindalu Member Posts: 25 Member
    Where do you live? It sounds like your dr was more concerned about doing what was best for him than what was best for you -- so you probably need to go see another dr.

    If you go to the Diep sisters website, they can probably direct you to other drs who can help you.