Joint pain in hands

zzxxyt Member Posts: 8
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am currently taking Arimidex and wonder if anyone has pain, "triggering of fingers" and swelling in their hands. My Dr. says Tendonitis or Neuropathy, perhaps from chemo but I read that Arimidex can cause pain of this nature and just wondered if others have it?


  • roxanne53
    roxanne53 Member Posts: 154
    I have something very similar to this, as you decribed. I am on Arimidex, too. My hands and fingers have been sore mostly in the joints. There had been days that I could not straighten my fingers out; just as far as to cup a ball. this has gotten better.
    I have one thumb that tends to be a "trigger finger" as they say. To me it feels like the thumb dislocates itself and then returns. This just started several weeks ago. Never had anything like this before treatment.

    I can't get my rings on anymore over the knuckle area. So most believe all this is from arthritis and not neuropathy. They since I do not have anything to speak of in my feet, it must not be neuropathy. Not so sure I know, what I am to experience in my feet area. And if it is suppose to be constant.
    Also have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel in both wrists. This nerve pain has gotten better.

    So appears to be similar to what you have been experiencing. Arimidex has not been brought up as the problem for me.
    It may be contributing to my joint aches and pain. Has a doctor told you that the pain you experience is from the drug?

    If you get further information, I would like to know what you find out.
    Take care
  • DJC
    DJC Member Posts: 52
    Hi Z:
    I have been on Arimidex for 1 year. I, too, am experiencing joint pain - primarily in my hands and knees - attributed to the use of this protocol. My Oncologist first prescribed Vioxx, then Celebrex - both relieved the pain and stiffness I have been experiencing, however, due to the concerns regarding increased stroke and heart attack risk in COX-2 users, I have been forced to resort to taking aspirin for relief.

    I should also mention that I asked for a full body bone scan once I finished chemotherapy in December 2003 - it put my mind at ease and gave my Oncologist a base line scan for future reference.

    I hope you find some relief - Donna
  • DiO
    DiO Member Posts: 51
    YES! I started on Arimedex July 1, 04, and since have had joint pain, a little in shoulders and feet, but mostly hands. When I wake up in the morning I can't close my fingers to make a fist, but after I'm up a few mintutes this gets better. Most pain is in thumb joints, especially left one. No swelling to speak of, but definitely trigger finger in left fingers and thumb. I had surgery for trigger finger on my right hand several years before dx, and this is the same symptom, but started just after I started the Arimidex. I had some symptoms of carpal tunnel also before dx and can't say this has gotten any worse. So far I've just been tolerating the discomfort without meds except for an occasional ibuprofen or aleve when the pain is the worst. I had 4 AC and 4 taxol, so I suppose it could be somewhat chemo related also, but from the time of onset and what I've read from others and Dr comments I tend to think it's the Arimidex. Not bad enough for me to want to discontinue it though!

    Good luck and God bless, Di
  • roxanne53
    roxanne53 Member Posts: 154
    DiO said:

    YES! I started on Arimedex July 1, 04, and since have had joint pain, a little in shoulders and feet, but mostly hands. When I wake up in the morning I can't close my fingers to make a fist, but after I'm up a few mintutes this gets better. Most pain is in thumb joints, especially left one. No swelling to speak of, but definitely trigger finger in left fingers and thumb. I had surgery for trigger finger on my right hand several years before dx, and this is the same symptom, but started just after I started the Arimidex. I had some symptoms of carpal tunnel also before dx and can't say this has gotten any worse. So far I've just been tolerating the discomfort without meds except for an occasional ibuprofen or aleve when the pain is the worst. I had 4 AC and 4 taxol, so I suppose it could be somewhat chemo related also, but from the time of onset and what I've read from others and Dr comments I tend to think it's the Arimidex. Not bad enough for me to want to discontinue it though!

    Good luck and God bless, Di

    GEEEZ~soo similar. I started Arimidex in January,2004.
    I am weathering the aches and pains. Not ready either to go off the arimidex for another drug.
    My thumb problem is in the right hand.

    Do you always have to have surgery to correct the trigger finger? If it is part of the arimidex, I wonder if it will subside later?

    My hands also get better as the day goes on. Although the thumb does not always fololow suit.

    I am not taking nearly any tylenol or ibruprofin as I had before so this is good sign.

    Hope all goes well for you and everyone.

  • tlmac
    tlmac Member Posts: 272 Member
    My experience with Arimidex is similar to yours. I've been on it since May 29, 2003. No trigger fingers and only mild and occasional swelling of hands but the difficulty making a fist or using my hands for anything strength related first thing in the morning is daily. I also have a similar situation with my feet and ankles not wanting to bend. This morning stiffness in certain joints also ocurs if I ride in a car for long periods or even sit without adjusting position for an extended time. It passes, however, as soon as I'm up and around. Just those initial minutes that are the most uncomfortable. I continue to take 20 mg Bextra daily and it makes the joint problem bearable. Not worried about reports because I have a strong heart and have read that patients in those cancer studies that connected Cox2 to heart related problems were given high doses of 400-800 mg daily for an extended time. Neither my doctor nor I feel 20 mg is a threat to my health. I would also never consider stopping the Arimidex. I'm blessed that my cancer was ER+ and that I have a safety net with regards to recurrance.
  • lgwyther1
    lgwyther1 Member Posts: 1
    It helps to know I am not crazy! My doctors won't admit that Arimidex has anything to do with it -- but finally talked with a nurse who said yes...and also she thinks that these things subside once treatment is over. One opinion is no guarantee, but does give one hope.

    Started Arimidex in March 04 and developed joint issues - first my knees which were already somewhat arthritic but improving with moderate exercise and weight loss - then Arimidex came on the scene. Have since had months of physical therapy and knee surgery (doc thought I had a torn miniscus). Also have it in hands, elbows, neck, ankles and feet. Heat really helps temporarily and so do hot tubs. I stiffen up anytime I sit for more than 10-15 minutes, so am constantly "club-fotting" it around the office as it takes 10-20 steps to loosen up the feet anytime I stiffen. The knee plays its own part. Hands and elbows are sore but don't seem to incapacite me much.

    I did the Celebrex, Vioxx, Bextra and Aleve. With everything causing problems I have gone to Tylenol xtra strength and 2 in the a.m. seem to keep the stiffness relatively at bay.

    I went back to bowling just because I wasn't about to give into this -- I looked pretty funny the first few weeks because of my recovery knee surgery, but find that the three hours I spend bowling - once I am warmed up - are quite comfortable -- of course the next day I seem to be a bit stiffer.

    I am looking forward to March 2009 - when I expect to come off the 5 year plan -- of course - at 65 may not be kicking up my heals but I believe I should be more stable and agile on my feet.

    If there are errors here bear with me - have to get back to work and no time to proof.
  • DiO
    DiO Member Posts: 51
    roxanne53 said:

    GEEEZ~soo similar. I started Arimidex in January,2004.
    I am weathering the aches and pains. Not ready either to go off the arimidex for another drug.
    My thumb problem is in the right hand.

    Do you always have to have surgery to correct the trigger finger? If it is part of the arimidex, I wonder if it will subside later?

    My hands also get better as the day goes on. Although the thumb does not always fololow suit.

    I am not taking nearly any tylenol or ibruprofin as I had before so this is good sign.

    Hope all goes well for you and everyone.


    I've been wondering the same thing about trigger finger going away on its own after Arimidex--guess we'll have to wait and see. My sister developed trigger finger last year totally unrelated to bc or drugs, and the chiropractor treating her for back problems was able to cure it! My PCP was very interested when I told him about it.

    Good luck and God bless, Di
  • zzxxyt
    zzxxyt Member Posts: 8
    Thank you!!! to all who have replied. It has been great to know that others have the same symptoms. My Dr. seems to be so hesitant to attribute any symptoms to treatments, chemo, or drugs he now has me on. Nice to know I am not alone.
  • Kathy1108
    Kathy1108 Member Posts: 62
    zzxxyt said:

    Thank you!!! to all who have replied. It has been great to know that others have the same symptoms. My Dr. seems to be so hesitant to attribute any symptoms to treatments, chemo, or drugs he now has me on. Nice to know I am not alone.

    I too have joint pain in my hands, feet and ankles. I have the trigger finger and it is on my left thumb. I had it on my right thumb but it is better now. I was on Arimidex but when I went to my Oncologist recently he switched me to Femara. I still have the joint pain but it is not as bad. I too was on Celebrex, Vioxx and Bextra but I chose to give them up because of all that I heard about them. My doctor gave me another medicine called ultracet for the pain but it does not really work. All it does is put me asleep. So, I only take it at bedtime. I can't get my rings on either because of my knuckle have gotten bigger because of the joint problem. I agree with zzxxyt that it is nice to know that I am not alone on how my joints are feeling.

  • gracea1234
    gracea1234 Member Posts: 1
    Just saw your picture and you look like my twin!
    OK this is really crazy. I just saw your post and your picture and I thought I was seeing myself in the mirror, or at least how I looked with my wig on. This is truly weird. I was born in N.H. and my maiden name was McAllister. My dad was married twice and had two children by his first marriage that I have never met. My e-mail address is if you want to get in touch. I will try to post a picture of myself on my site here today if I can figure it out. Hope your journey is still going well. I was diagnosed last summer and have had chemo, a bi-lateral mastectomy and I am now undergoing radiation. (It took 11 weeks to get my drain out!) I am doing great so far. Hopey you are two.