6 mos prognoses_breast to spine

lonmaclean Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
My dear ma has just been given 6 mos after fighting for 9 years. She's had everything from chemo to hormone to now radiation on a tumor in her spine. I'm moving in to help her as her caregiver. She is now on hospice. I'm scared of making such a big move, but have no doubt that this is the best thing for her. Any sage advice from anyone is greatly appreciated.


  • Delight
    Delight Member Posts: 5
    I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. What a terrible time this must be for you all. I know she will love to have you there to take care of her during this time. I know how it is to have a mother with cancer. It's such a tough road. I pray for peace for you all through this time. I know I never like it when people tell me to take care of myself while my mother is the one with cancer, but it is good advice. If you don't take good care of yourself you won't be well for her! So do your best in caring for you too! My prayers are with you!
    Take care and God Bless,