Lung Cancer Recurrence w/Brain Lesions

annie8358 Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
I am a 46 year old female. In Sept., 2002 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Two weeks after that diagnosis, during routine pre-op testing, a spot was discovered on my lung. A biopsy diagnosed a separate non-small cell lung cancer. I had a lumpectomy on the breast, clear margins, and no nodes involved. Two weeks after the breast surgery, I had the lower left lobe of my lung removed. Several nodes were positive and after traveling to Mayo for a second opinion, they suggested doing chemo and radiation at the same time. I finished radiation in February, 2003 and chemo in April, 2003.

In October, 2003 I had a CT which came back clear. Another scan was done this past October, 2004 and unfortunately there were new spots in the lung. This timem, though, there are spots in both lungs - too numerous for surgery and radiation according to my doctor. Because of the recurrence, he scheduled me for an MRI of the brain. I had an open MRI which showed 3 lesions in the brain. I met with a team of doctors - a neurosurgeon, oncologist, radiologist - and they recommended the gamma knife procedure on the brain. A subsequent enclosed MRI was performed before the gamma knife procedure and it was determined I actually had 4 brain lesions. All 4 lesions were treated; however a follow-up MRI is not scheduled until January 12th.

I am currently undergoing weekly chemo treatments for the lung cancer.

My doctor doesn't seem very positive, which annoys me. I have tried to remain positive since I was first diagnosed 2 years ago.

Has anyone experienced similar lung cancer recurrence with lesions to the brain? How long have you survived? What treatments did you receive and where did you go to receive these treatments?

MD Anderson in Houston was going to take me, but I had already started my chemo treatments, so they said they couldn't see me. (My doctor's office didn't tell me that I couldn't be receiving treatment if I wanted to be seen at MD Anderson). MD Anderson said if a subsequent CT shows that the current treatment is not working, I can contact them again.

Any advice and encouragement you can give me will be appreciated.

Please pray for me and for my family.


  • Fatboy
    Fatboy Member Posts: 25
    Annie, I was diagnosed in March 2004 with lung cancer. Had Chemo and Rads until the end of June. Got ready for post surgery and they found a lesion in my brain. They did stereo tactic radio surgery (novalice). Surgery to remove upper left lope took place in Sept. 2004. Had another MRI (brain) done 5 weeks later, they found 3 more lesions had another novalice done. Few weeks later did whole brain radiation along with taking a chemo pill. Now I am waiting the results of the MRI (Nov. 29th). I am going to Dana Farber in Boston for my treatments along with Brigham & Women's Hospital. If your doctor annoys you or doesn't seem very positive, change doctors and push buttons.

    My prayers go out to you and your family. Please keep in touch.
  • kathiesbud
    kathiesbud Member Posts: 1
    lung cancer with brain lesions
    My best friend just found out she has lesions on her brain. She has been battling lung cancer for about a year now. i am wondering if you have more information you are willing to share. I am really afraid for her.
  • dennycee
    dennycee Member Posts: 857 Member

    lung cancer with brain lesions
    My best friend just found out she has lesions on her brain. She has been battling lung cancer for about a year now. i am wondering if you have more information you are willing to share. I am really afraid for her.

    Hi Kathiesbud, So sorry your
    Hi Kathiesbud, So sorry your friend is dealing with this. There are several options for your friend depending on the size, number and location of the brain mets. When you know what her options are, let us know and we can give you better information.

    There is a man over on who has lived for 13+ years since his first diagnosis, if I remember correctly he was dx'd because of brain mets. He survived a second bout of brain mets as well.