mandy's surgery

dyana Member Posts: 15
edited March 2014 in Sarcoma #1
mandy had the surgery to have the titanium rod
inserted into her femor bone the 27th. it is to
reinforce the bone because of the intense radiation
therapy she received after the liposarcoma was removed
last year. she had a cold that day so the
anethesiologist would not give her a general and opted
for an epideral instead, and also lightly sedated her.
she said she could feel when they hammered the rod
down thru the marrow of the bone. (shudder). she was a
trooper throughout both surgeries. she has always been
in pain since the lipo
was removed due to removal of the femor muscle and
nerves. she is doing ok but is in alot of pain. doctor
gave her morphine, tylox and tramadol but none of them
help, they also make her sick to her stomach. he told
her she will just have to try and bear the pain. her
incision from the lipo is from her pelvis to her knee,
now she has one from just under her butt
cheek to the knee. besides the rod she now is the
proud owner of 3 pins too. she will never get thru a
metal detector again.


  • Mike99
    Mike99 Member Posts: 22
    I am Glad to hear that the surgery was successful but am sorry to hear of the pain she has to endure. My prayers are with you both and I hope she finds a way to get past the pain. My mother use to work at a place which was a part of Jefferson Hospital in Philly and the helped People manage their pain. Maybe someplace like this will help her. If I can get some more info I will let you know. Also you may want to look into alternatives such as accupuncture or meditation. I for one am not a believer in such methods but I do know people who swear by them. It has been six years since the removal of my first Lypo and 1 Year since the second one and let me tell you there are days when pain becomes a big issue but I have learned to live with it the best I can and I use my wife as an inspiration because she suffers from Ruematoid Arthritis and she lives with greater pain than I do so I try to get through it. Everyone is different so you must find what works for Mandy and hopefully we can see her through this difficult time.