tram flap and pregnancy

blkhwkwife Member Posts: 12
edited March 2014 in Young Cancer Survivors #1
I am 32 yrs. old & I recently had a bilateral mastectomy and tram flap reconstruction. Have any of you become pregnant after having this procedure? I need advice...will it be difficult...did you deliver vaginally...was there really enough room for the baby the develop properly? How long did you wait before becoming pregnant?


  • emma hankin
    emma hankin Member Posts: 2
    ive just found out im pregnant after having this op 4 months ago. only had it to the right breast though. im having trouble getting info myself. i have an appointment on wednesday to find out whether or not il be able to see this pregnancy through. i will getb intouch when i know more. xx
  • Lolo.librarian
    Lolo.librarian Member Posts: 1
    Pregnancy after tram flap

    in 2011, i had the tram flap surgery on my left breast.  In early 2013, I discovered I was pregnant.  The pregnancy went well and I delivered at 38 weeks by c-section.  My daughter developed normally and there was enough room for her to grow.  It was a bit painful in the area where the surgery took place and there was some minor damage in the abdominal area.  i have observed worse damage with normal pregnancies.  I do recommend having a baby before the surgery, but I feel blessed to have a beautiful daughter after going through cancer and all of the surgeries.  I just wanted to say that it is possible as there is not a lot of evidence to support that it can happen and be successful.  Best of luck to everyone.