My Dads got it help me speed up his treatment!

Dyno Member Posts: 4
Hello I'm new here,My father has been diagnosed as having some kind of Lymphoma. He has been in alot of pain for 3 months but was told that he had arthritis in his back. Well after months of suffering he had a Ct guided byopsy last week to determin the type of cancer. Last night his doctor called and told him he has a Lymphoma but the cells were crushed during the harvesting so now he needs to have surgery. He still has not seen an oncologist only his family doctor. Shouldn't he be seeing a specialist by now? Isn't every day of treatment delay a bad thing??I'm getting so frustrated with the system he needs help now! He cant lay down, sleeps up right in a chair, cant eat becouse it makes him feel sick. He's getting weaker every day any advice that you can give to speed up the process would be greatly appriciated.


  • mbcoughlin1
    mbcoughlin1 Member Posts: 2 daughter had lymphoma but is fine now...your Dad will be too but should DEFINITELY see a specialist..don't worry about each day...things don't move that fast...but yeah, the sooner he's with an oncologist the better---keep the faith and keep me posted...mbc
  • Dyno
    Dyno Member Posts: 4 daughter had lymphoma but is fine now...your Dad will be too but should DEFINITELY see a specialist..don't worry about each day...things don't move that fast...but yeah, the sooner he's with an oncologist the better---keep the faith and keep me posted...mbc

    he's having surgery on oncologist yet....
  • LeeC
    LeeC Member Posts: 3
    I'm not an expert but it seems to me you should DEMAND a referral to an Oncologist. Every day you wait is one day too many.
  • supporter
    supporter Member Posts: 2
    hello,my mother has had lymphoma and yes it is such a stuggle for you to see your father go through it as i did to when my mother went through the pain and suffering... you just have to take each day at a time and be very supportive to your father... my mother was in hospital when it was the time when i was getting married... this was two years ago. she spent more than 5 months in the hospital and to be honest the doctors didnt think she would make it. she had 3 major operations and yes she survived it all. Still to this day she has a few problems but overall she is alive and has a positive attitude. All i can say to you is be positive and tell you dad to be strong and fight it all the way.... my thoughts are with you..... im from across the other side of the world but by thoughts will be with you here in australia.