
bunnie Member Posts: 233
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi all sorry iam posting so much latley. but guees that is what this is for so we can all ease each other mine, What iam worring about is that i have a trip planed with husband, and then my sister and her husband we are going to Vegas had the trip planed before i knew the cancer had came this time in the brain. any ways radition took its toll on me and has left me with very litttle strenghth i am so afraid that iam not going to have my energy level back up by the end of Oct and ruine the Vacction forever one including first time to Vegas was wanting to have fun. but this has me real concern cant quite thinking about how i am porbally going to riune the tirp. sorry to ramble on, Thanks in advice for any insight. Bunnie


  • tlmac
    tlmac Member Posts: 272 Member
    Not going because you simply aren't feeling up to it or because your medical team advises against it is a valid reason for postponing. Discuss your concerns with the people who will be taking the trip with you. Vegas is a 24-hour town so a little nap here and there shouldn't ruin anyone's good time. I've always found that getting away invigorates me and prepares me for the next battle. Your family's trip may be ruined if you don't go. I say if you have medical clearance, talk to your family about scheduling around your strength limitations. Take care!!
  • judiek
    judiek Member Posts: 71

    I can understand that you feel you may ruin the trip...I would feel the same. You have been through a lot and I would hope that your friends would be understanding.But you do have several weeks to try and regain your strenght...since your not leaving for a while. Make sure you are eating healthy foods to help that immune system. Did the Doctor say how long it usually takes to recover from WBR. I really feel for you Bunnie and I pray you start gaining strenght and your able to go on your trip. Prayers to you...were fighting this disease together.




    Discovered lump Sept. 2002 (mammo didn’t pick it up)
    Dx Oct 2002-just turned 41
    IDC and pagets disease, stage 2B, grade 3/3, nottingham scale 9/9
    3cm, lumpectomy,clean margins
    er/pr-pos, her2 neg, 2/25 nodes w/cancer
    Nov 2002-March 2003-FEC (5fu, epirubicin, cytoxen)
    March 2003- started tamoxifen
    May 2003- finished rads (33tx)
    June 2003-CT/PET Scan- clear
    Started 3 month check ups w/lab
    Dec 2003-complete hysterectomy
    Jan 2004-extensive mets, both lungs & liver(labs normal)
    Jan 2004-stopped tamoxifen
    Feb 2004 CEA-23 (0-3 normal) CA27.29-66.1 (0-38 normal)
    Feb 23to current-clinical trial, taxol & avastin
    April 15th, 2004-CT-significant shrinkage on all tumors/plueral effusion gone
    June 8th 2004-CT-all liver lesions decreased in size/lung mets gone
    Aug 9th, 2004-CA27.29 is 22.3, CEA is .8)
    Aug 9th, 2004-Brain-CT neg, lung mets/pleural effusion still gone, liver mets had slight shrinkage. Largest hypodesne lesion is 2.1cm, 6 others 1cm or less.
  • seeknpeace
    seeknpeace Member Posts: 259
    Oh Bunnie, I post a lot too. I need support and you guys have become so important to me. We always want to hear from you and try to help you.

    Well, I hesitate to say anything cause this is your life, but, if you have never seen Vegas and you want to do it, talk to your docs and see if it is in your best interest. You can take naps and for a lot of the trip, there is no reason to leave the hotel if a casino is there, and most do have one. It is a 24 hour town, and a lot of fun, but, quite exhausting. Talk to your family too and get their feed back. I cannot imagine that they would want to put you at risk or expect you to go if you are just not up to it. They love you and will support whatever you decide. Hang in there honey. I hope that you get to go.

  • Ellison
    Ellison Member Posts: 68
    Bunnie hi, Vagas! I will never forget the first time I went. I could not believe you could actually stand outside in the middle of the night and read a newspaper. I was just fasinated by all of it.. In fact my husband and I got married at a Little Chapel over there. That was 30 yrs ago.

    Right now you don't feel physically storng but maybe between now and then will make a world of difference for you. Hope you get to have the experience. There is much to do and see. I have not been there in years. I hear the changes are something awsome.

    One of my coworkers and her husband went to Vegas quite frequently.. They stayed at the Balagio (spelling not correct..) They went more for the RR. She would read a book and ring for room service during the day, at night they would go out for awhile when it cooled off.

    Slow is good! In fact it is better especially over there. Time flies when your having fun. I don't know about you but my body lets me know when it is time to rest.. I don't fight it much anymore...

    Take care
  • mssue
    mssue Member Posts: 242
    Dear Bunnie,

    I have to agree with everyone else,unless there is a medical reason for you not to make the trip I say go for it.How often do you have the opportunity to take advantage of a trip like that.My husband has been to vegas I haven't but with a city that goes 24 / 7 arrangements can be made to accomadate all.Besides I'm sure your husband ,your sister and brother-in-law will understand breaks for rest when needed.Alot of fun and memories will be there for the taking,so ease up on yourself,take it one day at a time and get plenty of rest between now and then---and stop worrying,that will take alot out of you in itself.Save that energy for Vegas!!

    May God bless you with peace of mind and a heart full of joy and happiness.
  • Idalia
    Idalia Member Posts: 76
    Be totally honest with your travel companions and you should be fine. Plan in advance the things you really want to do and pace yourself. Don't be afraid to take breaks or even rent a scooter if you want to. Vegas is like Disneyland for grown-ups and many handicapped and elderly people visit there often. I'm sure your family will be glad to work around your energy level and will probably need breaks now and then too! Go for it!
  • SweetSue
    SweetSue Member Posts: 217
    Bunnie, I hope u decide to go and have some FUN!!!
  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    I went to Foxwoods with friends two weeks after I finished all my treatments. I was tired but had a good time. I just went to the room when I wanted to lay down. Just get your own room key and do as you wish. I wish it had been Vegas for me, but Foxwoods was fun too. We were celebrating my friends 40th birthday when we went and I didn't want to miss out. I'm glad I didn't.
