mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I would imagine as with most cancers there may be no early symptoms, but let me know if anyone has experience with this after ovarian cancer. My doc is concerned about my rising CA125 (now 22.9) after Stage IV ovarian 4 years ago. Wants me to have a PET scan. I'll try to squeeze that in between taking care of my family, taking care of my Mom (Stage IV colon cancer), being concerned about my husband (possible Prostate cancer), etc., etc. Well, the Lord doesn't give us more than we can handle, so I guess He says I can do this! Anyway, God bless you for your input.


  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Dear Monika, It is time for you to put yourself up a little higher on your priority list. :-) I say this with love. I know your ca125 is still in the normal range and the stress you have had to deal with would cause anyones numbers to go up. But the PET scan is pretty easy and not to scare you but that is how they found my recurrence. It would not show up in the ct scans but in the PET scan it showed up in my lymph nodes. So get your butt in and have the scan! If it shows nothing at least you have a piece a mind and if it shows cancer you have caught it in the early stages. Either way it is worth it. Take Care my friend and keep us updated.

    Bonnie Rose