Reoccurance to the bones and feeling pretty down

momof2 Member Posts: 81
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello everyone. It has been a while since I have posted something on here. I was first diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 24 a little over 3 years ago. I have now been rediagnosed with mets to my spine, ribs, lymph nodes and hips. It is so discouraging at times. I have been told there is no cure and my cancer is considered a chronic illness. I try to stay positive all the time, but there are days I just can't do it. I have been on taxotere and herceptin since March and just finished my radiation this past Monday. My hair is really starting to fall out as well and I am in the process of planning my wedding to the most wonderful man anyone could ever ask for. I guess I am just looking for some support right now as I have felt pretty down in the dumps right now. Thank you all so much for your support!!



  • SusanAnne
    SusanAnne Member Posts: 245
    Hi Carrie. I'm very sorry that you are having to deal with this. The advice I'd like to pass along to you is regarding the herceptin. I just finished a year of herceptin (in a clinical trial). I don't think I could have completed the treatment if I hadn't been under the care of a cardiologist and been on heart meds to help me along. Make sure that you are followed closely with MUGA scans and if your blood pressure starts to climb insist on an evaluation with a cardiologist. This is extremely important considering that you will probably be on herceptin for quite some time if it keeps things in check for you. Please let us know how any follow up testing goes and plan for your future!
    Best wishes,
  • bettygee
    bettygee Member Posts: 40
    Dear Carrie, My heart goes out to you, to hear of one so young having to endure this terrible disease. I pray your treatment will keep you well for many years to enjoy with your fine young man.

    You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love, Betty
    p.s. I have a daughter named Carrie
  • SDM1984
    SDM1984 Member Posts: 7
    Dear Carrie:
    I, too, am very sorry to hear about your diagnoses. I don't know what to say, except don't ever give up hope. You must keep the faith and fight with all your might. YOU CAN BEAT THIS. I will ask Jesus to give you strength, hope and comfort.
    You'll be in my prayers.
  • hummingbyrd
    hummingbyrd Member Posts: 950 Member
    Hey girl! Sorry to hear of the reoccurrance, but take heart there is hope!
    I was diagnosed in June 2000, at age 38, had AC/Taxol and radiation, then found bone met to right arm August 2001, L-spine Oct 2001, C-spine Feb 2002...anyway I started Herceptin and Aredia Aug 2001 and told them to just "spot weld" me. LOL (meaning treat mets with radiation)
    Glory to God! I'm still here 3 years later, and except for a broken arm, I feel really good. I took the herceptin up until May of this year then stopped it due to allergic reaction, but I'd been on it 3 years. Guess my body just got tired of it. I think it is best to think of this like a chronic condition, like high blood pressure. There may not be a cure, but you can live with it.
    God bless you dear. I hope this helps!
  • sharon_buck
    sharon_buck Member Posts: 62
    Sorry to read your news my prayer's are with you. Sharon
  • ksfc
    ksfc Member Posts: 251
    Sending positive thoughts and prayers Carrie. I don't like it when cancer happens to any of us, but I especially hate it when it happens to someone so young. Hang in there and put all your positive energy into planning a wonderful wedding.
    Congratulations - hope you'll keep us posted. Diane
  • inkblot
    inkblot Member Posts: 698 Member
    Hi Carrie:

    I'm so sorry to hear this news.

    Please keep hope. Hummer's a shining example (having had bone mets) of attitude, perserverance and hope and her thoughts were right on target with other's I know who've had bone mets.

    Bone mets are typically considered far less dire than mets to other body organs and I know people who are doing wonderfully well, following treatment for bone mets.

    Hope knowing that other's have survived well, may help brighten your day a bit. You're in my thoughts and heart.

    Love, light and laughter,
  • momof2
    momof2 Member Posts: 81
    I just want to thank everyone for their wonderful replies and support. I couldn't do this without all of the support I have gotten from everyone. I know I can beat this, it's just going to take some time. God would never give us anything we couldn't handle. You all are such an inspiration to me, thank you so much!

  • Sandis
    Sandis Member Posts: 85
    momof2 said:

    I just want to thank everyone for their wonderful replies and support. I couldn't do this without all of the support I have gotten from everyone. I know I can beat this, it's just going to take some time. God would never give us anything we couldn't handle. You all are such an inspiration to me, thank you so much!


    I haven't been on this site for a while, but I got on today and was sad to hear of your recurrences, but excited that you have a wedding planned "to the most wonderful guy in the world". How wonderful for you to have a guy you love so much whose there for you when you need him. You're in my prayers. Sandi
  • bunnie
    bunnie Member Posts: 233
    Hi try and stay positive i know it is hard to do.I was digonessed with breast cancer in 03 then at the bigging of 04 it has moved too the lungs and rib cage and know they just found it in the brain i strat Radiatoin this firday 8-193-04.I know what you mean when you say it seems like a cronect dieses they keep telling me that mine is not every going to be cured it is just a way to prolong my life that is real hard too take i keep wating for the next shoe to drop.Iam glad that you have a very supportive Fiance and wish you the best of luck in your marraige.Bunnie
  • Idalia
    Idalia Member Posts: 76
    bunnie said:

    Hi try and stay positive i know it is hard to do.I was digonessed with breast cancer in 03 then at the bigging of 04 it has moved too the lungs and rib cage and know they just found it in the brain i strat Radiatoin this firday 8-193-04.I know what you mean when you say it seems like a cronect dieses they keep telling me that mine is not every going to be cured it is just a way to prolong my life that is real hard too take i keep wating for the next shoe to drop.Iam glad that you have a very supportive Fiance and wish you the best of luck in your marraige.Bunnie

    Hi Bunnie, this is my first post on this website. I was diagnosed with breast cancer Feb. 20, 2003 after having my routine mammogram. I had a lumpectomy Feb. 28 and went thru chemo and radiation with flying colors. They thought they had caught the cancer at stage 2. I developed back pains in April 2004 and everyone thought it was just a bad disc. MRI June 25 revealed cancer throughout my spine and pelvis, left shoulder, right femur and suspicious nodules in my lungs. No fun, but we are still here, aren't we? I know about the feeling of waiting for more bad news, but I got good news this week. Went to the dentist and so far, no cancer in my teeth! Take comfort where you can.