sad news about Brenda

jeancmici Member Posts: 665 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Brenda Dean from Georgia battled Stage IV breast cancer for four years. She was on the forum with NancyS and Rosa(Tiger)and Pam and Margaret and Wendy from California and many more we no longer hear from. I go back almost that far by a few months too.
Her husband wrote me today thst she passed away on JULY 29 in the morning and was buried on the 31. She lost a son - one of two boys - to an accident when he was very young. She leaves another son and her hubby and perhaps her dad - mother died several years ago.

She was a dear sweet friend to me - always with words of encouragement - and she said the same pretty much to me in a mailed letter she sent to me written on July 21 in response to hearing that I was going to live in the new assisted living section of hospice .

May she rest in peace finally with God and the angels she so firmly believed in.

Those who knew you, Brenda, will indeed miss you very much.

In sympathy,


  • wildangel
    wildangel Member Posts: 81
    Dear Jean,
    I am new here and I did not know your friend Brenda but I am always saddened to hear about the loss of another brave sister in this battle we fight everyday.
    I will keep her in my prayers with her family and with you as well.
    I know in my heart that she is in a much better place now, free of pain and illness and constant procedures...she is the Brenda that was in her spirit. Because this disease may ravage our bodies but it never, ever touches our spirits.
    May she touch the face of God.
  • judiek
    judiek Member Posts: 71

    I didn't know Brenda but it's always so sad to hear another has lost her life to this dreaded disease. My prayers to you and to Brenda's family.


  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908
    Hi Jean! Thank you for letting us know about Brenda. I've been on this website for 4 years along with all those ladies you named. It's very sad to think of how many of our friends have lost the fight against this disease. My thoughts and prayers are with all the families. I do hope that there is a cure real soon . I feel so lucky to have done so well and wish that everyone could do as well as I have. Take care! Thank you again. HUGS!! Cathy
  • ktinkey
    ktinkey Member Posts: 170
    Hi Jean,

    Thank you so much for the news concerning Brenda. She and I used to chat because we were/are both Stage IV. I have kept her and her husband in my prayers all these years. It was so sad to hear the news as it always is to lose someone, but also good in that I have been wondering if I would ever know how she has been doing. I lost her email address a while back, so had no way to contact her.

    Again, thank you and take care.

    God Bless,
  • ksfc
    ksfc Member Posts: 251
    Thanks so much for letting us know Jean. I remember Brenda's encouraging words well....and some of the other people you mentioned also.