Reply to Emily Re: Beach Baby is Back

edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi Em:

Haven't heard from Andrea in a while. Funny, I was thinking about her the other day myself. Sure hope all is well. I'm sure it is...she's 21 and probably out there doing what all 21 year olds do...having a grand old time.

Bert is doing very well, thank you. He is getting his port removed August 2. He is finished with chemo (4 fours 5fu/leuc and 6 additional months 5fu/leuc/oxal) and his oncologist recommends taking it out as it enhances chances for infection if it isn't flushed regularly. Scans will be done again July 29 with results at onc's office by August 5. So far, he is NED and CEA dropped when he was taken off chemo for 6 weeks when we were in Europe. Last colonscopy was clean, he feels great, and I hope and pray with all my heart and soul that he has licked it!:) :):):)

Mom is doing well too...again, thank you for asking. She is still in clinical trial and has had a partial response 1/3 of way through treatment. She has good days and bad days but more good ones than bad ones as a whole. Keeps her spirits up at all time and is of the mind set that she has quite a few more years to go before this lung cancer will get her. Great attitude. :):):):)

I know that all is well with you but I'd sure like to see more posts from you. Where's Sponge...haven't seen anything from him in a long while either.

Lots of hugs your way girl,
Monika, who is absolutely smoothering in the Los Angeles heat and once again, just like last year, surrounded by fires. This is getting old :(