Clogged Ear after Radiation

nckaren Member Posts: 18
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Please help! Did anyone have a very clogged ear after radiation to the head & neck from fluid build-up? I have already had a tube surgically inserted, but it has not helped me hear any better. How long before some improvement? I have been through with radiation for over 3 months now. None of my doctors seem to know, or they just aren't giving my a straight answer. Any answers would be GREATLY appreciated.


  • RJMiller
    RJMiller Member Posts: 4
    My husband had a tube placed in one ear last week (his radiation took place November 2003-January 2004). There was an immediate improvement, however there was also permanent damage from radiation. Hearing aids were fitted the day after the t-tube surgery. They work great and his attitude has improved along with his hearing.
  • watchtower
    watchtower Member Posts: 10 Member

    Thank you for sharing. I hope your husband feels like a new man. Lord knows he deserves that and more. Not sure if pain was as excruciating as it is with my guys 5months post treatment pain but boy I suppose this is one of those delayed symptoms. Huh..

    Best of Luck Always

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member

    Watchtower- the person you're talking to was last on the Forum in September of 2009- over 12 years ago!

    What's with your bringing ancient threads to the top of the Threads and posting comments to people who have not been active on the Forum for a decade or more?