Addendum to Worrisome & Scary

edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Well folks, I did it. I called the onc's office of those I want to know but don't really want to know moods overtook me and I really wish it hadn't.

The last couple of visits Bert has had I have not been able to go with him as I've been going with mom to get her set-up and going on her new chemo regime. Bert very rarely asks his onc what his CEA is..and while Dr. Lenz and Bert talk a lot about the whole picture, he just doesn't ask about his CEA. Bert figures the doc will tell him if something is out of wack or he feels that something is out of wack, and believe me folks he does. Anyway, new CEA rate is now 9.5!!! CAT and PET are scheduled again for June 7...four days after we return. Onc is concerned, as he has been from the get go, but not worried. Can't figure it out. Everything looks normal. This will drive me crazy.



  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member
    Alright Monika...

    With your vacation coming up to Europe, try not to let all this information ruin it for you and Bert. You two have deserved this for some time. If the docs don't think enough of it to keep you from taking your trip, then rest assured, everything can be addressed when you return. Your next priority is rest and relaxation...understand?


  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member
    I know when I was getting chemo the onc. always ordered a CEA, but the onc. surgeon said he wouldn't have ordered it while I was getting chemo.
    Try to relax and have a good trip.
  • Tessyann
    Tessyann Member Posts: 56
    Moesimo said:

    I know when I was getting chemo the onc. always ordered a CEA, but the onc. surgeon said he wouldn't have ordered it while I was getting chemo.
    Try to relax and have a good trip.

    Monika, that good tho the Ocno is keeping a good eye on Bert I know its driving you crazy we just were threw its it was a up and down rollercoaster of does he doesnt he have cancer again..
    But yes try to relax on vacation. I know sometime its hard cause those thoughts of cancer keep creeping in.. I still dont know how Ben and me have lived threw the 11 years of stress thats been added to our lives but we have.
    Tomorrow is Bens "BIG" surgery... and once again we are so scared.. Our life is again about to change..
  • Unknown
    Tessyann said:

    Monika, that good tho the Ocno is keeping a good eye on Bert I know its driving you crazy we just were threw its it was a up and down rollercoaster of does he doesnt he have cancer again..
    But yes try to relax on vacation. I know sometime its hard cause those thoughts of cancer keep creeping in.. I still dont know how Ben and me have lived threw the 11 years of stress thats been added to our lives but we have.
    Tomorrow is Bens "BIG" surgery... and once again we are so scared.. Our life is again about to change..

    My God Tessyann, 11 years!!! First, that's a real tribute to your strength, coureage, and endurence for keeping this dragon at bay so long. Secondly, it's an inspiration to Bert and I who are still getting their feet wet after only 9 months since diagnosis.

    Good luck to both of you today as you travel this new road and be sure to look for the nice, shady, tree-lined parking lot at the end of it where you both can sit a spell and take a breather :o) I will be praying for you with all my heart.
