palliative radiation to jaw

jousline Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
I have metatastic breast cancer spread to mandible bone, soft tissue, and overlying skin. I only had 12 palliative radiation treatments finishing in October of 2003. 5 1/2 months later I still have swelling inside of mouth and bleeding gums. The nerves in my ear, neck, chin, and lips still hurt. When this started they thought I had a tooth problem and now that same tooth really hurts. Is this stuff common after this period of time? The sore from the cancer breaking throught he skin is almost closed and has swelled every two weeks for the entire time. I ask you folks because I have found no one with my primary who had this problem.


  • laurena
    laurena Member Posts: 16
    I'm sorry to hear about your pain. Yes radiation to the head or neck causes a lot of problems. I took tylenol 3 for toothaches and had special mouthrinse. Ask your oncologist for advice (not the breast guy but the head and neck guy). Take care!