New Treatment???

jhope Member Posts: 58
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
This is driving me CRAZY for feedback! A couple of days ago BJaye wrote: "I have another question. My oncologist is suggesting I get on a stage 3 drug trial that uses dose-dense treatments every 2 weeks and has a 50/50 chance of patient getting either A/C or Taxol only. No other chemo meds, but support for low blood counts, etc. Has anyone else ever heard of using just Taxol for stage 2 breast cancer?"

Okay, this "dose dense" for stage 2 extremely aggressive cancers are not experimental anymore. Started Jan 2003 (I started my tx 6-2003) and it's a new protocol -- only not tolerated well. I think I did just because of my age - 38. I had 4 tx of adrimyicin (in port) every 2 WKS, then 4 txs of taxol (or they do taxotere) every 2 wks, then 4 txs of cytotoxin every 2 wks. Blood in drawn to see if your counts are okay every time same day as chemo then You go in the day following chemo and get a 3,000 (can you believe it) dollar shot of neulasta for while blood rebuilding - enormous bone pain enhancer, lol.

I know many at center that had to quit it, but it is crazy that I live on the edge of the earth (well I can see it from here) in Wyoming(50,000) people in our largest city and the cancer center is using such an innovative approach (Onc travels and teaches at a University, so he loves research). Anyone ELSE had this dose dense therapy? Julia


  • BJayeCo
    BJayeCo Member Posts: 13
    hi, Julia, it's BJaye. Trial I asked about wasn't just for the 'dose-dense' part, but I think mostly because they would give either Andriamycin or taxol, not both. One drug only, period every 2 wks. Think they were trying to figure out if 1 drug given closer together would be better or just as good as giving multiple drugs one after the other. Hope that clears up the confusion. I have decided not to do this trial, just not comfortable w/it, so going w/the taxotere/A/C together every 3 wks for 6 rounds. It's so hard to decide what treatment is right, and there are so many options, hard to know for sure what to do. But more comfortable w/this new plan, starting in a week or so after port is put in. Thanks again for your help. BJaye
  • DiO
    DiO Member Posts: 51
    I am currently on the dose dense chemo, only I had 4 rounds of adriamycin and cytoxin together, followed by the taxol every two weeks. I've had two taxol treatments so far, two more to go and have so far stayed on schedule although it's been a roller coaster! With the AC white count was the problem, but with the neulasta always managed to be up in time. Now my red cells are the problem. Were gradually getting lower, started procrit and they came up a little, but today nose dived from 9.1 last week to 7.9 this week. Has them wondering if I've developed an ulcer or something. I'm just praying to stay on schedule so I can get through this and get on with my life.
  • jhope
    jhope Member Posts: 58
    DiO said:

    I am currently on the dose dense chemo, only I had 4 rounds of adriamycin and cytoxin together, followed by the taxol every two weeks. I've had two taxol treatments so far, two more to go and have so far stayed on schedule although it's been a roller coaster! With the AC white count was the problem, but with the neulasta always managed to be up in time. Now my red cells are the problem. Were gradually getting lower, started procrit and they came up a little, but today nose dived from 9.1 last week to 7.9 this week. Has them wondering if I've developed an ulcer or something. I'm just praying to stay on schedule so I can get through this and get on with my life.

    oh DiO, you will get through it, I finished 3 months ago, and make it till 5 (but work full time) before getting tired. This is a new protocol found info on this web site. Dose Dense therapy have higher survival rates. The site is:

    To view you can highlight and copy, good luck DiO, read this research article and it will make you glad your doing therapy even if it's tough. Julia