
help01 Member Posts: 7
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
Hi I may be in the wrong forum or chat area. So please let me know if I am. Where to begin...

A brief history: I have an inoperable malignant brain stem tumor. I am currently in remission for going on almost 10 years. I received six weeks of radiation, which seems to have slowed the growth obviously. :) This is monitored yearly via labs and MRI. I was recently diagnosed with early avascular necrosis and osteopenia in late 2003 and in 2004 with diverticulitis. I also have cysts like or dermoids on my ovaries. All of this and I am only 28 years old with two healthy boys and a very supportive husband.

For almost six years that I can remember I have had the following symptoms -shortness of breath, chest pains, sweating, AB pain, bloating, headaches just to name a few. My doctor has done Chest X-rays of my chest and not seen anything so recently I had a Gallium scan with tomography and a CT scan. The CT was without contrast and showed a 4mm non calcified solitary nodule in the inferior left lingula (left lung base). It also showed a 13mm right adrenal nodule with two small lesions in the right lobe of the liver near the dome. The gallium scan showed an accumulation in the mediastinum, within the volume of the myocardium with possible cardiac valvular uptake. This one doctor I have been to says he will watch everything for the next two years via CT and MRI scans w/out contrast. This seems odd to me though it may be a normal process. Some questions: Could asbestos cause any of these problems? I was exposed to it for two years –OR- is this most likely something minor? What kind of doctor could best answer these types of questions? One last thing my white blood counts are very low so he does not think any of this is infection. But we are scheduled to recheck it in early July. Any experience or direction would be a great help. I did not proof read so I hope everything is understandable.
