Sponge,Kerry,Emily,Stacy~Never Too Young

edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Maybe we should all get on a band wagon and picket the healthcare industry. Yup, Emily, there was colon cancer history in her family...one grandparent on both sides and father. But even that shouldn't matter...if something seems wrong in that area, why wait around? Haven't doctors learned by now that in 80% of the advanced cases, other diagnosis and treatments were already tried and in the end, volla, advanced colon cancer. It breaks my heart about Diana...that's her name. God I hope she makes her 21st and many more.

Our son Michael got his referral (finally) from his HMO doc to get a colonoscopy. The doc tried to, can you believe this, talk him out of it because he's only 27!!!!! We both spoke with Mike before he went for his physical and told him that no matter what, be adamant and in the doctors face until he gives it to you. This is the same jerk who did sigs on Bert and now knows what the outcome was. He's the one who told Bert, and I quote here..."so, you did end up getting it?" How stupid is that!!!! Michael will be making an appointment for his scope hopefully next month and, it goes without saying, will be looking for a new primary care physician real soon...if his mom has anything to say about it and believe me I do.

Monika, who's sick and tired of the bureaucratic red tape and who is sending an extra BIG (((((((HUG))))))) and tiny "x" to Sponge :o)