What can nurses do to better help you?

Kitchell Member Posts: 62
edited March 2014 in Childhood Cancers #1
I am an RN student and I would like to know what the nurses who care for you could do to better help you? I'm anxious to get your feedback! Please reply!


  • statep58
    statep58 Member Posts: 2
    Hi! I'm a 3 year cancer survivor and will be starting my RN training in Fall of 2005. I've spent my fair share of time around nurses and here are some tips:
    `Don't use the pain scale (1-10) on cancer patients, pain you might rate as a 9, I would rate as a 2. Instead ask about the type of pain, where it hurts and what relieves it
    `Don't talk to loudly if the patient looks tired, it aggrivates headaches and sensitive ears caused by the chemo
    `When drawing blood, ask if the patient want a count down or not and if there are viens that do or do not draw well.
    `Don't draw from a vein that hurts when touched- even if it will draw well, it will be painful for days, causing the patien to resent you.
    `Don't ask stupid questions like "Are you OK?" obviously if the patient is in your care then they are not OK, instead ask "how do you feel today"
    These are just a few tips I can give. If you would like more specifics, feel free to email me at srvivr_2001@yahoo.com