need help again

bunnie Member Posts: 233
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi well i went in a talked to a plastic surgon about reconstruction.Know i just need to make my desicion on rather i want to go with Salin implant or Silicon implant.Would love to hear from someone who has both types all the pros and cons.Like can you fell it is a implant and things like that and how many years you have had yours.Any help would be appricated.I went in on tuesday and so far i still have a clean bill of helth iam so glad for that my worst fear is that the cancer is going to come back else where.anyone that fells like emilaing me with the implant info can emial me directly at thanks in advacne Bunnie


  • live42day
    live42day Member Posts: 64
    My reconstruction was finalized last April. I went with the silicone implant because all 3 plastic surgeons I saw felt they were safe and the saline implant I was shown was so rigid. I felt the silicone would feel more real. I ended up seeing 3 plastic surgeons due to an insurance change at work and my first surgeon was not in new network. There is a new study to prove the safety of silicone, and I am in it since I chose to go with that kind of implant. My last plastic surgeon said that the whole problem was blown out of proportion due to a lawyer. By the way, the first and last plastic surgeons were women. The middle one was a man and was a certified jerk to put it mildly. I am pleased with my implant so far. I hope this has been of some help.
  • Snookums
    Snookums Member Posts: 148 Member
    live42day said:

    My reconstruction was finalized last April. I went with the silicone implant because all 3 plastic surgeons I saw felt they were safe and the saline implant I was shown was so rigid. I felt the silicone would feel more real. I ended up seeing 3 plastic surgeons due to an insurance change at work and my first surgeon was not in new network. There is a new study to prove the safety of silicone, and I am in it since I chose to go with that kind of implant. My last plastic surgeon said that the whole problem was blown out of proportion due to a lawyer. By the way, the first and last plastic surgeons were women. The middle one was a man and was a certified jerk to put it mildly. I am pleased with my implant so far. I hope this has been of some help.

    Bunny- I love that "name" it is warm and friendly!
    I finally finished bi lateral reconstruction, Tuesday. I started in Jan! I had an infection in my left, cancerous, breast at the start of reconstruction so I had the implant removed and waited a few months and in September began completion. That was the most difficult part but as far as a decision, SALINE was my only choice. I have fought and beaten cancer so as far as I was concerned I wanted no more complications that "could be" a problem down the road. It was for my mental health that I chose the bi lat surgery and saline implants in the first place. I am 46 and wanted to have breasts that looked and felt real but I was not willing to take any risk with silicone. I know myself well enough that I would wonder about cancer in my right breast forever and I also, knew that I would be worried about silicone leaks as well. SO, I did what made me feel safest in this situation. Look deep into why you want implants and what do you really need to meet that desire. I will pray for guidance for you in this very personal decision. Candy
  • topcatmarie
    topcatmarie Member Posts: 3
    I had a bilateral mascetomy with reconstruction and chose saline implants. I chose saline for the same reason bunny did. I know myself and didn't want think or worry about anything that might go wrong. I felt if the saline leaked, it would be easier on my body. My doctor gave me a choice between to two. The surgery I had use my back muscles (latissimis flap) over the implant and everything looks great and feels good. I'm very happy with the results. The doctor said having the reconstructive surgery at the same time as the masectomy and using the back muscle helps the implants feel and look natural. You may want to ask your doctor which would look and feel more natural/soft in your case. It is a very personal decision. I had to talk to a lot of women who had implants and pray a lot before I made a decision. Good luck and enjoy life.

  • donoho4
    donoho4 Member Posts: 2
    Hi Bunnie, you want the saline implants. I am a retired paralegal and you wouldn't believe all the problems that can come from the silicone implants if they pop. If the saline pops, (very rare) then it is just salt water and will do no damage to your body. I had reconstruction in 1998 and have had no problems whatsoever. I had the saline implants and they feel fine. None of them are going to feel like your original breasts felt, but I am happy with the saline. Good luck to you.