Room in the Inn

maggs Member Posts: 164
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Again, the Christmas story is so relevant to the human condition. Most "needy" people do not want "charity." Teach a man how to fish and he will feed himself. If a person is looking for work, but the people around him/her mind their own business ONLY or give that person the cold shoulder, or "charity" once a year, it is like the case where there is no room in the inn. I think that is how our society runs: there are always persons unemployed, for whom there is no room in the inn. Persons with disablilities need inclusion, policies that enable them to obtain meaningful work using their knowledge and skills, not people who ignore this basic need in favor of doling out "goods and services" unless the needy person is so disabled that this is all that can help them. And sometimes we reach that point. But there are many people who find no room in the inn of our society because so many people get their self-esteem from seeing their neighbors as less able, or less worthy, than they. They turn their heads away in business, education, and healthcare rather then trying to make room in the inn so that person can function as a contributing, independent individual for as long as possible!