Her 2 Positive



  • lauri67
    lauri67 Member Posts: 15
    Sunny7 said:

    Hormone Receptor positive HER 2nd time around
    Hello all, I would like to find someone with similar situation as mine. And for those wondering about Herceptin I wish I had received it. In 2001 I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer HER positive. I took part in the clinical trials that are being discussed. The group I was in did not receive herceptin. I had many chemo treatments along with radition a lumpectomy and lympectomy, (9 positve lymp nodes) Cancer free for 8 years, this week I was rediagnosed with same cancer. Is there anyone who has experienced this type of breast cancer and did not receive herceptin? Also I am looking for oncologist that can help. Willing to travel as I live in small eastern Kentucky town. At the time of my treatment I lived in Massachusetts. If you have a oncologist that you are happy with and cancer center please let me know. I need to decide quickly on where I am going, or if you have suggestion I would love to hear from you. If I can give more information let me know. Glad to help and anxious for help, Sunny7

    Sorry for the multiple posts! My computer decided to go nuts
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Sher43009 said:

    FDA Approval
    Herceptin has only been approved by the FDA for early bc since 2006. The drug company that "owns" herceptin is Genentech. You can go on their website to get the timeline of herceptin and the trial/approval dates.

    A great movie to see is "Living Proof" with Harry Connick, Jr. about Dr. Dennis Slamon, the researcher that developed herceptin.


    My oncologist, Dr. David Chan, was also involved in the Herceptin research study. I am very fortunate to have him as my doctor. I tested HER2 positive last June 2009. I finished the year long treatment of Herceptin and had my port taken out-Yippee!
  • keep_on_going
    keep_on_going Member Posts: 21
    Sunny7 said:

    Hormone Receptor positive HER 2nd time around
    Hello all, I would like to find someone with similar situation as mine. And for those wondering about Herceptin I wish I had received it. In 2001 I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer HER positive. I took part in the clinical trials that are being discussed. The group I was in did not receive herceptin. I had many chemo treatments along with radition a lumpectomy and lympectomy, (9 positve lymp nodes) Cancer free for 8 years, this week I was rediagnosed with same cancer. Is there anyone who has experienced this type of breast cancer and did not receive herceptin? Also I am looking for oncologist that can help. Willing to travel as I live in small eastern Kentucky town. At the time of my treatment I lived in Massachusetts. If you have a oncologist that you are happy with and cancer center please let me know. I need to decide quickly on where I am going, or if you have suggestion I would love to hear from you. If I can give more information let me know. Glad to help and anxious for help, Sunny7

    Thank you Sunny7
    And everyone else who has participated in clinical trials
    Your participation helped me get Herceptin & I am so grateful!!!. I am sorry you didn't get it at that time.
    I was diagnosed with HER2+ in May of 2005. I was placed on AC/T followed by radiation. Even as I received these "accepted" treatments my cancer spread to my bones. My onc. kept applying for authorization for Herceptin. Finally in March of 2006, I began Herceptin. I am 100% convinced that the Herceptin is what has kept my cancer at bay.
    I hope you find what you need. My thoughts are with you.
  • inkblot
    inkblot Member Posts: 698 Member
    Her2 Positive
    Interesting to see my very old post about Her2 (from '03 here)! WOW How'd that happen???

    Anyway, wanted to share that I am still here and still NED. No herceptin and no recurrence/new cancer. Good check ups since completing tx. May we all learn to feel good about the fact that we continue to be NED, and enjoy our lives! That's what it's all about. We "had" cancer and no need to continue to live in constant anxiety/fear over the past. It's like anything else...it's a part of our history now. If and when it ever returns, well, that's the time (the only time) we can effectively begin to deal with it.

    Love, light & laughter,