Newly diagnosed

wmott1122 Member Posts: 14
edited March 2014 in Stomach Cancer #1
Hello everyone,
My father-in-law just underwent 9 hours of surgery to remove his stomach and most of his esophagus due to cancer. He was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, but when the docs got in there, they had to take the entire stomach also. I'm not sure what type of cancer he has, and the lymph node biopsy results are not back yet. He and my mother-in-law are quite private about their health, and so I feel uncomfortable asking them questions.....I do not know what stage his cancer is, but maybe someone out there can help me. From what I have described, can anyone predict or suggest a prognosis? Since they had to take the entire stomach, does that mean it's very bad and advanced? I'm trying to handle this, but it is quite difficult, as my Husband (now 43) had oral cancer some 4 years ago, my father just passed away 6 weeks ago from prostate cancer, my mother-in-law had a mastectomy for breast cancer last October, and now all of this with my father-in-law! I'm very angry.....I hate cancer!!!! Thank you all, Wendy


  • bke
    bke Member Posts: 42
    Are you finding the help and support you need?
    Perhaps some of the resources below will help. Feel free to email me if I can offer moral support and answer questions based on my own limited experience (dx Oct 02, surgery and chemo/radiation followed)

    To learn more about the esophagealcancer group, please visit

    If you haven't already found Cathy's EC Cafe, make that your next stop in
    your research about EC ( There is a ton of very
    valuable info there, especially the personal stories of successful (and some
    unsuccessful) battles with the Beast, and a realistic approach to "the
    statistics." You will find a link to the ACOR EC Group an e-mail list-serv of over 1,000. Join if you have not already. You will find support and others who are dealing with EC.

    To start sending messages to members of this group, simply
    send email to

    If you do not wish to belong to esophagealcancer, you may
    unsubscribe by sending an email to

    To see and modify all of your groups, go to

    Most of the regulars on Chat use Yahoo Messenger to log on to Chat. It has the advantage of giving you a much larger chat screen and only one small add area at the top.

    You can download Messenger at . Once you have installed it you should be able to get into EC Chat. You must first enter any chat room. Type in or cut and paste this command in the area you would type a chat comment to get to the Group room.

    /join *g.esophagealcancer:1

    I hope this will help you get into the EC Chat.

    There is also a ACOR list group for stomach cancer, though it is not as active. Surgery and treatment issues are often similar.

    Blessings to you both,
  • jilted
    jilted Member Posts: 3
    WOW!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry Wendy. I would just like to offer a hug. You have every right to be angry. I am a newly diagnosed surviving lover of a man who has advanced stomach cancer. And I am still trying to come to grips myself.

    Also, Many people in my vicinity are being diagnosed. They are merely folks in my neighborhood, and I AM STILL UPSET. I can only imagine what you are feeling.

    So let me just offer you my support if you ever need it.
