Hepatospenic periferal T-cell lymphoma

karen15925 Member Posts: 1
Hi,my name is Karen and I'm new to this. I found out I had this rare diease is feb.2002.I had 3 weeks of CHOP and found out it wasn't working. Then I tried Campath 1H(36 times).It work for a while,then I found out the cancer had spread to my lungs. I was admitted to the hospital once a month for 5 days of ESHAP.I did this for 3 months and even though it was working I decided not to do it ant more. I just couldn't take being that sick any more. My doctor sent me to The University of Maryland to see another doctor and I was told if I didn't do the treatment I would die within a year.So I'm doing the ESHAP again. I'm also waiting to find a bone marrow match. Thia is really scary thinking about getting this done because the doctor said I have a 40% chance of not making it thru the transplant.I've never talked to anyone with this before. I would love to hear from someone to talk about treatments and how their handling it.My e-mail is karen.clipp@myactv.net